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By far the worst employer I experienced

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Uniper in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

If you come from a bad employer, this company maybe an upgrade as you get good food and home-office and IT equipment. Also diversity is really taken seriously.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

When I joined, my team asked me to protect them from the director. My predecessor and colleagues independent first statement was that my number one job is to protect my team from the boss. Should have left the company right away. Found out later this is happening in other teams too and despite everyone knows, nothing happens. What does that tell you about the real company culture (not the one on the marketing pages)?


Consequences for toxic senior managers.


If you get in touch with management, it is a shark tank. Avoid at all costs. Also many people do not go to office anymore since Covid so it is the same athmosphere as working remotely for a company on Bermuda minus the good weather.


Depends. Internal official communication is good. Communication by some managers is below acceptible, i.e. discriminating other functions openly in larger meetings while the employees are sitting there.


For energy industry maybe modern, if you have seen other companies especially management is aggressively competitive instead of collaborative.


Fundamentally compromised... either bore-out or burn-out.


Top-down know it all micromanagers who burn out employees being surprised about the feedback and instead of things changing HR just increases the health offers for which nobody has time.

Interessante Aufgaben

Despite many modern trainings and IT, most managers have been in the same position since EON times want to keep everything the same outdated way.


Good IT and home-office equipment, modern office... but that's about it.


Average salaries, benefits okay but lag behind other companies, e.g. poor pension plan with 0% interest rate


Trainings are plenty. Carreer non-existent... small company, most managers in the same position since 20+ years presents a glass-ceiling.


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