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Set a new world record from hero to zero. Boy, that escalated quickly.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The dudes. You rock, guys.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It maybe sounds cliché, but everything that comes out of business / management. Again, I've never seen a company having such an awesome idea, such an awesome product, such awesome customers and an such an uber-awesome team getting turned into a dysfunctional mess that fast. It almost seems surreal. Maybe there's a better way to say things, a gentlemen's club version were all wear white gloves and speak this Brahmin language and velvet code-words, but I don't know this way, because I'm middle class from Florida.


Stick to your promises, or don't promise anything at all. Really, it's that simple. Oh, while we're at it, treat your software engineers as if they were made of Unobtanium. You get HR and finance guys by a dime a dozen. SW engineers, not so much. So, as a pro-tip, maybe get your priorities straight.


Bag of mixed feelings here. As long as you don't have to deal with the business / management side, all's good. Your colleagues are super nice, friendly and helpful as anyone can be. As soon as the upper echelons reach out to you, you're in FUBAR territory pretty fast.


This company is the poster child of all show no go, or show and shine. There are so many promises broken that you keep wondering if they had some outside help from Trump's campaign managers. Sorry for the stab, but it's true.


As mentioned above, the dudes (well, what's left of them) are awesome to work with. Rarely been to a gig where people were more helpful and forthcoming and the mood was so high (well, before everything spiraled downwards).


Depends but overall very good, as long as you don't get into 'friendly' fire from management / business.


Everything was good until the somebody sitting in the States decided to fire the person in Austria who kept the whole show running. From there on, things went south so quicky that it literally made you dizzy and your head spin. It almost felt like somebody did a 2020s remake of 'The Truman Show' on how to trainwreck a company as fast as humanly possible.

Interessante Aufgaben

The idea of what we tried to do (or what somebody maybe might still be doing) is pretty much awesome. Paying respect where respect is due.


Again, respect where respect is due. Your ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, political orientation and whatnot are irrelevant at Up2Go.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

See above


I guess everything has been said before. This was really an awesome gig, then things went south, now everything's FUBAR. It's really that simple. All that by replacing the single person that kept everything together. Well, seems like not everybody is replaceable (pro-tip, do you read HR?)


As long as I worked there, pay was pretty decent. I earned more in my previous gig, which was to be expected as I worked for a large enterprise that paid enterprise-level wages. But that's about it. No further benefits except getting your salary in time.


The two stars are for the customers and the product idea, really. If it wasn't for them, they'd deserve a negative star rating here.


I guess money for on-the-job training is not an issue. Career-wise, my guess would be there there's not much of a ladder to climb.


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