Not recommended
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Employee discount
Subsidized train ticket and Jobrad
Mental health coaching
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Westwing is not compensating very well and even though paybands were introduced many people are paid below their bands
Senior Leadership defines everything as high-prio, no clear structure or prioritization, which results in high workload and huge frustration
Work-Life-Balance does not exist and many great people are leaving the company
Offer free possibility for parking
Make the working spaces more beautiful
Ensure that people are paid within their pay bands
Avoid proactively that great people are leaving the company
Non existing
Workload too high, many people are frustrated and overworked
There are sustainability initiatives, however the business model is based on unnecessary consumption and commerce so cannot be sustainable
Salaries are too low especially for Munich and not adjusted regularly
Career opportunities are there and mainly given to you if you are a former consultant and willing to work 12-15 hours per day
Real development plans or chances for projects highly depend on your manager