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WuXi Biologics Germany GmbH Logo


A bad place to work. I feel ashame working there.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2024 bei WuXi Biologics Germany GmbH in Wuppertal gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The QA team need to be restructured or fired.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Dictatorship poor knowledgeI and no self esteem for managers and directors.


Tjaaa I don't think if they will improve. And if the Germany government will grant a manufacturing licence mmmh I will be shocked


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Paul HollenDirector Talent Acquisition

Thank you for making this experience public.

Unfortunate to have such a negative impression from your experience with WuXi and I sincerely hope this will change in the future for current members of the team.

This feedback has been passed on to the leadership both in Europe and China and we hope it will help improve the understanding of best practices in treating our valuable team members

I wish you the best of luck in finding your next role

Paul HollenHead of Talent Acquisition

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We understand your concerns regarding the QA team and the management style. It's crucial for us to recognize areas where we need improvement.

We appreciate your skepticism and want to assure you that we are committed to continuous improvement. While change can be challenging, we are actively seeking ways to enhance our processes and management practices. Our goal is to build a more supportive and knowledgeable team environment.

We take feedback about leadership behavior seriously. Our managers and directors are working on improving their leadership skills, knowledge, and self-esteem to create a more positive and effective work culture.

Your insights are valuable in helping us identify areas where we can grow. We are dedicated to making necessary changes and hope to regain your trust. If you have any specific suggestions or would like to discuss your concerns further, please feel free to reach out to us directly.

Thank you once again for your feedback.
