We carry day in and out more than 10-15 clothes with hangers throughout the day with our bare hands, without any safety.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Zara wages are a little better than the rest similar platforms.
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For not caring for employees basic mental and physical health. The employees will work more efficiently when they feel valued and appropriated.
Provide basic safety precaution, such as allowing the employees to use rails to carry the heavy weight of clothes with hangers instead of our fingers and hands. It can have long term side effects. Make sure basic amenities like restrooms and water is provided by the company and are in close proximity. And most definitely the stamp card system should be installed in our social rooms as well, so that we don't loose our own personal 5-10 minutes on our unpaid lunch break just to reach back to the store to stamp ourselves in and out.
It's very toxic. Everyone there is over worked and underpaid. We ask them to increase our working hour contract from part time to full time but it's mostly denied with unsatisfactory answers. Where as the bosses gets to claim high bonuses and rewards. The customers we get are straight up pigs and treat the employees like garbage but nobody takes any action to remedy that.
Terrible. Some of the bosses don't act professional.
It depends on the colleges. But it has to be known that the older colleagues who have been working there for 7-20 years now, seems to take advantage of their safe contracts. Because they all have permanent 30-40 hours of contracts, meaning they are more safe with their jobs and have fixed income coming in every month. So they tend to take a lot of so called sick leaves, especially during the sale seasons and right before or after their holidays. They tend to over power the employees with temporary contracts by working half as much in comparison, sometimes even taking credit for someone else's work in front of the bosses, coz their jobs are much safer. And nobody feels safe enough to stand up to any of these employees because they need the jobs to pay the bills.
Most of the employees don't have permanent contracts and we have to ask the bosses to give us more hours to work say 25-40 than 15-20 hours a week. And during the months when an employee has a holiday, he/she isn't given the extra over hours, because company doesn't want to pay for the month more money than our base contract. Technically it isn't illegal but isn't fair either.
Everyone is too stressed out because the corporate environment seems extremely hostile and toxic.
Just terrible. Restrooms and changing rooms for the employees is way to far from our actual working areas. We are scolded if we take too many bathroom breaks according to the bosses. We ain't even allowed to keep water bottles in our hands reach and are kept in the room next door. So whenever we feel thirsty, we need to unlock the room with the keypad and are being scolded for drinking water too often. The customers ain't told how not to behave in the fitting rooms, which creates a whole lot of extra work for the employees.
Nonsense. They don't really take any concrete actions to make sure the employees actually feel good working for the company. So whatever you see and hear is a marketing hoax.
Nope. Nope. NOPE.