Company to avoid at any cost.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
really hard to find any positive point if you are not Islamic\Pakistani member
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
all above as also complete deskilling in carreer. Effort to adapt to stone age technologies presented in company is a two steps backwards for all who want to have some carreer progression.
complete reorganisation with local cultural values and perspectives which of course wil lnever happen and if they maybe decide for such a step, they will need decades to execute such a project with strong cultural resistance from senior managament.
Very bad working environment. People are terrible deskilled and they are aware of that so they try to hide their incompetence trough blame culture. They strongly work on "burnout" as a bussines model, just replacing the old workers with new ones with no change in strategy. You can hear very often from all sides "we were working like this 20 years already".
Non transparent communication on every level as vertical also horizontal.
Most of the workers are only "professional friendly" as there is no sense of communitu except the Pakistany Company members (nepotism at its highest). Very strong presence of Islamic ideology and behavior. In the contract, the first thing is "workplace respect" as the first thing to forget when sign the contract.
No work-life balance, company pushing "burnout" strategy as bussines model altough in communication they present as they care for the workers.
Salary can be maybe negotiated, but read all above\rest of the review.
Interessante Aufgaben
There is diversity in daily tasks, but only as complete missuse of the worker for all possible tasks that doesn't belong to your work profile.
strong expression of Islamic culture\values, conservative\extreme right atmosphere
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
strong fluctuations prevent this kind of progression
very poor technical and office support
zero Social awerness and culture tolerance towards "others"
"es lohnt sich nicht"
Company image in short is terrible.
zero progression possibilities altough they coomunicate the possibility which is reserved only for Pakistany members