7 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
7 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 6 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten7 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 6 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
really hard to find any positive point if you are not Islamic\Pakistani member
all above as also complete deskilling in carreer. Effort to adapt to stone age technologies presented in company is a two steps backwards for all who want to have some carreer progression.
complete reorganisation with local cultural values and perspectives which of course wil lnever happen and if they maybe decide for such a step, they will need decades to execute such a project with strong cultural resistance from senior managament.
Very bad working environment. People are terrible deskilled and they are aware of that so they try to hide their incompetence trough blame culture. They strongly work on "burnout" as a bussines model, just replacing the old workers with new ones with no change in strategy. You can hear very often from all sides "we were working like this 20 years already".
Company image in short is terrible.
No work-life balance, company pushing "burnout" strategy as bussines model altough in communication they present as they care for the workers.
zero progression possibilities altough they coomunicate the possibility which is reserved only for Pakistany members
"es lohnt sich nicht"
zero Social awerness and culture tolerance towards "others"
Most of the workers are only "professional friendly" as there is no sense of communitu except the Pakistany Company members (nepotism at its highest). Very strong presence of Islamic ideology and behavior. In the contract, the first thing is "workplace respect" as the first thing to forget when sign the contract.
strong fluctuations prevent this kind of progression
Salary can be maybe negotiated, but read all above\rest of the review.
very poor technical and office support
Non transparent communication on every level as vertical also horizontal.
strong expression of Islamic culture\values, conservative\extreme right atmosphere
There is diversity in daily tasks, but only as complete missuse of the worker for all possible tasks that doesn't belong to your work profile.
Ausser Arbeitsort und Arbeitsplatz: nichts.
Wie erwähnt
Fairness gegenüber allen und alle gleich behandeln in Sachen Beförderungen, Salär und Wertschätzung. Das von den Vorgesetzten Einverlangen und überwachen. Die Mitarbeiter sollen Vorgesetzte Bewerten können und das sollte in deren Gesamtbeurteilung mit einfliessen. All das ist in dieser Firma Utopie und jeder der dort arbeitet weiss auch warum.
Corporate Values werden von wenigen unbedingt einverlangt - von vielen anderen
(Beziehungen!) aber nicht.
Siehe Kununu Durchschnittsbewertung
Schwach. Seit diesem Jahr eine Woche mehr Ferien, dafür aber 2 Stunden mehr arbeiten pro Woche. 45 Arbeitswochen x 2 Stunden= 90 Stunden = mehr als 2 Wochen mehr arbeiten aber nur 1 Woche mehr Ferien. So wird der Reallohn ständig weiter gedrückt. Also alles auf die Kosten der Mitarbeiter!
Offenbar unerwünscht weil nicht unterstützt
Schlecht! Siehe Aktion mit 1er Woche mehr Ferien. Lohnbestandteil sind Repräsentationsspesen und auf die werden keine PK Beiträge bezahlt!
Also fährt man auch da schlechter als Angestellter!
Mit wenigen gut bis sehr gut - mit den meisten aber kein Zusammenhalt
Respektlos (Respekt ist einer der Firmenwerte und wird gepredigt. Wenn es allerdings
um Dinge geht, für die die Vorgesetzten Einsatz zeigen und ev. auch "Gegenwind" hinnehmen müssten, dann geht der Respekt von deren Seite her völlig verloren)
Setzen sich nicht ein für Ihre Teams, kommunizieren schwach oder gar nicht. Achtung,
Wertschätzung, gerechte Beurteilungen: Fehlanzeige!
Ok...aber eben (siehe oben!)
Schwache Führungskräfte - setzen sich NICHT für ihre Teams ein, sonder schauen nur für sich.
Nicht gegeben! Kommt immer sehr darauf an um wen es gerade geht!!! (BEZIEHUNGEN wichtiger als Fähigkeiten)
Die Arbeit könnte, bei entsprechendem Einsatz der Vorgesetzten, interessant sein.
Das ist leider nur bedingt der Fall, weil die sich zuwenig einsetzen und für ihr eigenes Gärtchen schauen.
Let me think about this....
Please refer to my comments above. Some people in the bank you may find likable of course. Get prepared to look for another job in two years or so, if you are lucky you find one.
In the long-run this company will need significant changes.
The working climate has never been a brilliant one and has deteriorated significantly. People from too many countries and with different cultures work there, so the bank is lacking a common denominator. The Muslim culture always rules!
Bad bad in the industry, and Mandy people seem to kno about the top-down image of the owners / management onto employees. It is mainly the ethnics and personal relationships in the clan that count within the bank!
The only good thing here is that you can leave at 17.30; however, under the age of 45 you will have only some 20 days annual leave (above 45 it is 26 days). Besides, they don't pay any overtime and - God forbid - there is no flexible working hours or home office.
This is a very education-adverse company. Especially senior people who lack some education are inherently malevolent against younger inspiring people with a drive.
They pay more than badly paying banks but worse then what is achievable for qualified people in the market. Once you get in you can expect no significant move to the upside. If you should be promoted to some kind of higher level, they grant you only representation fees only for some thousand franks. Bonus is at 2'500 - 5'000 CHF per year and is the same for everybody. In the mid-term you will fall behind your peers in other banks.
For "expats" from Pakistan etc. the fortune is different - they receive/received special treatment with private schooling, cars, promotions etc...For them it's a jackpot to work there.
The owners do have social conciousness - they seem to be regularly supporting foreign schooling etc. but to my knowledge mainly for the benefit of their ethnicity (Pakistan).
Sometimes colleagues stick together, but the next day may also turn against you. Satisfied with 1 or 2 good people.
The situation is twofold. Habib has been hiring elderly men who have been dismissed by other banks (ie UBS) but on the other hand they do away with female employees with 50+ or 60+ after a decade or more of service.
Of course you can have a better boss or a worse - usually with Swiss bosses it's easier to deal with. However, be prepared that it is common practice that they threaten you with dismissals to supress your behavior.
Their IT is really bad, no service behavior, IT system called "Hplus" is from the desert and can only be used there.
Habib has not invented empathic communication, and you may well experience over the months that you are being yelled at or verbally attacked by superiors or colleagues. The general rule is: it's always your fault! The company has a strong blame Culture.
This must be a joke :) This is not a place for a modern woman with a brain.
The employee spirit. Everyone is sitting in the same boat.
The treatment of the most important resources the bank have: People.
Too much to tell and even then it needs an approval and can take another century.
Following orders with the cheapest available resources is the key. Bringing new ideas will damage your motivation and should be avoided.
Mostly all are shamed and are not proud to mention the name. Instead they say: I work in A bank. They also stuck as other banks are much further with processes, technologies, strategies and so on.
Performance have to be given in a management decided deadline even when there is a missplaning in a project or timeline. No reasonable reasons will be provided. Strategies are made of active reaction rather than proactive.
Education contract is unbelievable old and are not conform or fair. Yearly goals and assessments are jokes. Even if your manager will give the highest rating, higher manager will lower it down and are not willing to promote as it includes costs.
Salary is ok, even for a non gifted person but still minimum in the financial branch located in Zurich. Pension is payed fully by the bank. Sell your soul but you need to pay if you want it back.
Nothing. Each day a forest have to die for the papers over there.
Colleagues are the only silver lining. They are still friendly and active listeners but it can be emotionally hard to listen their complains/problems and how they are treated.
Can get fired due of cost saving without a grace.
Most of them wants to support their team but will risk their seat if they do. Saving money in every corner is the global goal and this includes the employees wishes/ideas/performance.
You can get more informations behind the scenes rather than from official sources and they mastered the communication acrobatic with lies and fear.
Middle east persons are gifted with positions/benefits/respect/honor etc. where others are just there like an accessory.
You can evolve your efficiency or comfort but only with the given small spectrum of resources and interest or if it is free of cost. Interesting tasks could be Youtube but everything is blocked.
At 5.30 pm you leave
IT is fully inefficient and not at user's disposal. No trust on staff. Lot still working as per stone Age and will not change. Here you can survive if you don't care at all what you're doing and how.
Reorganize all from zero hiring professionals.
sehr uneffizient, keine strategie, keine beförderungsmöglichkeiten, keine geschäftsprozesse, träge
sehr uneffizient, keine strategie, keine beförderungsmöglichkeiten, keine geschäftsprozesse, träge
gar nichts, sehr uneffizient, keine strategie, keine beförderungsmöglichkeiten, keine geschäftsprozesse,
gar nichts, sehr uneffizient, keine strategie, keine beförderungsmöglichkeiten, keine geschäftsprozesse,