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Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

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Schlecht! Siehe Aktion mit 1er Woche mehr Ferien. Lohnbestandteil sind Repräsentationsspesen und auf die werden keine PK Beiträge bezahlt!
Also fährt man auch da schlechter als Angestellter!

Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

They pay more than badly paying banks but worse then what is achievable for qualified people in the market. Once you get in you can expect no significant move to the upside. If you should be promoted to some kind of higher level, they grant you only representation fees only for some thousand franks. Bonus is at 2'500 - 5'000 CHF per year and is the same for everybody. In the mid-term you will fall behind your peers in other banks.

For "expats" from Pakistan etc. the fortune is different - they receive/received special treatment with private schooling, cars, promotions etc...For them it's a jackpot to work there.


Salary is ok, even for a non gifted person but still minimum in the financial branch located in Zurich. Pension is payed fully by the bank. Sell your soul but you need to pay if you want it back.

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