Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
No toxic people
100% flexibility
Lean processes
English by default
Great offices (dogs welcome, kids welcome), professional coffee machines
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
No product ownership, pure service-provider
Change how employees are promoted. How it is now: someone who was lucky enough to start in a growing project or someone who acquired a project. How it should be: managers should proactively look out for those in their teams, who are good with people, reach out to them and ask if they want a new challenge. Current practice promotes either technical guys, who are neither interested in people, nor are they able to motivate, or power-hungry ones, who are treating colleagues with subtle arrogance.
International, positive and friendly atmosphere, values are not only declared, but practiced
Management communication declined in quality
Great team
Depends on the project. Great flexibility: work hours and mode (home office) are completely self-defined, plus generous workation policy. Extra-hours are not paid
No explicitly bad managers, but also few true people leaders
I have some doubts here, because of different pay in similar roles
I seriously dislike the new CI. Super aggressive orange color with a dynamic fallic symbol… what are you trying to communicate by this??