30 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
30 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen30 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Bleibt wie Ihr seid.
Interview was tell me about your recent experience, some self-score questions on tech stack and situational question - 2nd round light coding tests on google sheet white board. Followed by team round interview. The time between 2nd and 3rd interview was long.
I am grateful for the interview even though I did not get to the 2nd round. The IT recruiter's comprehensive overview of the role and the company provided me with valuable insights. I was super thankful of the Irish recruiter's immediate feedback on my performance, especially in situational questions. It is rare to encounter a recruiter who offers such real-time feedback, and I genuinely appreciate the effort he put into it.
Before the interview I read negative reviews on here. I guess you can't please everyone, it is hard to navigate the world of job interviews, and this can be tricky and annoying. However, I did receive constructive feedback and was advised to use the STAR technique, among other strategies. This is really helpful for me as I do not come from Europe. The recruiter's honestly and empathy have helped me to refocus the way I look at job interviews. I am very grateful for the feedback and advise.
My recent experience, Tech stack self-grading, tell me about a time
The recruiter had an agressive approach in the interview. I felt like I was being interrogated by a police officer. He showed no desire to understand my motivation and interest in the company. All he cared about is ticking boxes. I was constantly interruped in a rude manner and was instructed to give only one sentence answer to each question. I never came across such an agressive interviewer in my whole career. Needless to say, my image of the company has totally changed after this encounter.
Schnellere Reaktion, besseren Recruiter wählen.
Der versandte Termin passte nicht zum ausgewählten Termin. Das Telefonat wurde von einem recht neuen irischen Kollegen durchgeführt, der dermaßen schnell und undeutlich sprach, dass es kaum verständlich war.
Schon der Beginn war unangenehm, da weder das Unternehmen noch das Team vorgestellt wurde. Man ratterte einen Fragenkatalog herunter, wechselte irgendwann ins Englische und stellte teilweise sinnlose Fragen.
Solch ein Telefoninterview habe ich weder als Bewerber noch als HRler jemals geführt.
Die versprochene Rückmeldung blieb dann übrigens aus.
Wertschätzung geht anders!
Zwischenzeitlich kam es zu Verzögerungen im Prozess. Ich wurde zwar immer auf dem laufenden gehalten, der Prozess hat sich dadurch aber etwas zu lang gezogen.
Zeitliche Zusagen wurden nicht immer zu 100% eingehalten.
Let people that apply for jobs know what to expect during the application process: Tell them what language the interview will be held in! Tell them the general agenda/line of question of the interview.
Make sure that your application process is smooth (don't send out invitations twice??). If you ask people for their salary expectations with their application, don't let them go through a 45-minute interview just to tell them at the end that their expectations are too high. Why waste everyone's time?
Tell the people that do the phone interviews to not prepare a long list of questions that could never possibly fit into a 30 minute call. The person I talked to interrupted me after almost every question because he wanted to move on to the next one and reacted extremely rude when I had the audacity to ask him to clarify a specific question. (Honestly I feel like he should have been thankful as more specific questions would have led to short answers.) After he refused to clarify (I really don't know why) he got even more annoyed when my answer did not fit his very broad question 100%. At this point I was ready to withdraw my application. Do better.
Laufende Prozesse mit Bewerbern sollten vertraulich behandelt werden, auch wenn ich mich gegen Eigensonne entschieden habe. Wieso spricht mich mein jetziger AG auf die Bewerbung an?
Das Gehalt bei Eigensonne ist für mich nicht zufriedenstellend
So verdient kununu Geld.