13 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Long working hours needed and indirectly expected
Prefers to grow no matter what.
Not really. Depending on the business unit.
Junior first time leaders
Office is centrally located but messy
Okay but misaligned between departments.
Good! Only compensation is misaligned between departments
Hundefreundliches Office, nette, junge Kollegen aus allen Teilen der Welt. Diskriminierungsfrei und offen
Wahrscheinlich einer der heißesten Namen in der Branche in den nächsten Jahren
Für ein Start-up sehr gut. Bestimmt etwas teamabhängig. Boundaries werden respektiert
Fortbildungsbudget und Interesse Mitarbeiter zu fördern
Angemessen aber man kann bestimmt woanders mehr verdienen. Benefits branchenüblich
Immer auf Verbesserung bedacht, um Emissionen zu reduzieren
Vor zwei Jahren bestimmt besser, aber aufgrund der Vergrößerung der Belegschaft absolut nachvollziehbar. Viele Teamevents, regelmäßige Zusammenkünfte.
Start-up, also ist das Durchschnittsalter relativ niedrig, ältere Kollegen gibt es quasi nicht
Offene Kommunikation, regelmäßiger Feedbackrhythmus, respektvoller Umgang
Gutes Office in Berlin Mitte, gute Küchen und Snacks und Getränke.
Sehr offene Kommunikationskultur, kaum Geheimnisse oder Überraschungen, kurze Entscheidungswege
Vielleicht etwas männlich und weis im C-Level, darunter aber sehr durchmischt. Klares Bekenntnis zu Diversity
Klare meritokratische Ausrichtung, gutes Umfeld, um zu lernen und aufzusteigen (wenn du gut bist)
Diversity in Leadership
4/5 for a startup! Everyone does overhours and these are not additionally paid but I believe that this is normal for a startup.
Not as easy as it used to be to progress fasted and climb the ladder rapidly but still fair
Don’t really have any
Leadership is always open for and ideas but also criticism.
- Understanding if any private matters happen + vacation policy is great
- Working hours for any customer-related role is 60 hours+
- Founders rather party in Africa than fix problems with the team
- If you do shifts please live "all hands on deck" instead of all employees work but founders can leave whenever they want
- Internal learning sessions are a joke when a founder who works 80-100 hours a week gives you a lesson on a healthy work-life balance
- Yes-man/woman culture towards the founders gets rewarded and makes the company stagnate
- Company misses a lot of trends through not listening to employees and only pushing something if the board mentions it, a peer has it or the leadership team saw it on Linkedin
- Change the C-Level, especially one of the founders and his temper will be a big problem as we advance
- Get rid of the Boys Club, it's great that the Top 5 male employees have a Whatsapp Group but stop ignoring people and work with every employee
- Fix hiring by focusing on fit instead of gender and try to develop your people by spending money on them. Junto is a joke.
- Understand the people that actually care about the company and don't fake it for their own good (FA)
- Stop making stupid mistakes (office) and listen to the opposition. Building an echo chamber in your boy's club won't help the company progress
Generally high-pressure environment + occasional blaming culture through part of the leadership - Wrong hires, who do not value the Hive values destroyed the will for employees to push together since they take praise but other employees don't get the spotlight.
Image is still great but is being tarnished through the exodus of a lot of great employees
Okay as long as there are no accidents or problems
Interns become Seniors, then team leads in 6 months with no additional training. Meanwhile, leadership has to cut promotions and has no incentive to train people on their team since a hire-and-fire culture is part of the "high-performing" mindset
Salary was okay
Fake it until you make it
People just try to use other people to save face and impress leadership
As there is only one older colleague its not a problem
The leadership team is a boys club that does what it wants - hiring the new leadership was not dominated by fit but rather that a female is needed for the position.
Non-paid fulfillment shifts are the norm every now and then or an unpaid CX push since the CX Team is not able to innovate
Is really bad in crisis times and screaming happens frequently
Early employees with a lot of Facetime dominate the opinions and other opinions will not get accepted if the Founders don't like the person. The company wants to have gender equality but pushes females in the interview process instead of hiring the better male applicant.
At the start yeah, now not so much since the Silo has been built
Kein Respekt vor der Privatzeit der Mitarbeiter. Management und C- Level versuchen vorzutäuschen, dass man (obligatorische) Überstunden mit Pizza und Ramen bezahlen kann.
Alle Unternehmen, auch Start-Ups, sind zur Einhaltung des Arbeitsrechts verpflichtet.
Nur Roboters
Kein Privat live.
Kollegen, die in das Privatleben von Kollegen eindringen.
Unternehmensleitung droht mit Kündigung, wenn Mitarbeiter sich weigert, unbezahlte Überstunden zu leisten
High ownership, good learning curves for young talents.
Stop using promotions as a tool to keep talent. Instead focus on developing people. From intern to Team lead in less than two years is not healthy for anybody.
High pressure, high speed, constantly understaffed, good learning in generalistic roles, but no time to build expertise
Payment seem fair, if not calculated in actual working hours.
Talking about resilience or mental health, but in the same breath saying that no important company was build with people only working 40 hours
Depend on your manager. Most people in the leadership team never had any leadership Experience or expertise before. High pressure without any Filter. Promotions as a tool to keep people, instead of proper management, career development or guidance.
Jung, dynamisch, hoch motiviert und sehr ambitioniert. Super Team Spirit und Zusammenhalt.
Es gibt in einem jungen, schnell wachsenden Start-up sicherlich mehr Arbeit als anderswo. Diese High-Performance Kultur ist nicht für jeden, aber dafür wird man mit schnellem (persönlichen und Firmen-) Wachstum, guten Chancen und viel Verantwortung belohnt.
direct feedback in both directions whenever needed is appreciated, always open for new ideas
switch between remote and office always possible
fast and efficent
Dynamisches Klima, junges Team, ambitionierte Ziele
Super ambitioniertes Team, weshalb man gemeinsam auch mal etwas länger arbeitet - aber alle ziehen am selben Strang! Selten so viel Spaß bei der Arbeit gehabt!
100% transparente Kommunikation auf allen Ebenen
So verdient kununu Geld.