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Unfortunately, I am not recommending this company as an employer.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Kaufland e-commerce in Köln gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

You know is time to leave when colleagues praise the employer for merely meeting basic expectations. The huge amount of negative reviews is signalling an underlying issues, particularly with management. When toxic behaviour is tolerated at the leadership level, it becomes normalised throughout management. Challenges to this dynamic have been met with consequences, with decisions being imposed on people without consideration for their input, affecting the overall workplace atmosphere.


Encourage a more inclusive work environment by embracing diverse perspectives and ideas. I know you say you do, but when it comes to facts they're not existing.
It's important to recognise that different generations bring valuable insights.


The overall atmosphere tends to be more positive when colleagues share common sad/ traumatic experiences.
Otherwise, everything is either politically charged, lacking excitement, or emotionally draining.


Communication could be improved, especially regarding management decisions. I believe increased transparency from leadership would create a more trusting and collaborative environment.


It depends from team to team.


Strong boundaries are needed if you want to have work-life balance.


The process for offering constructive feedback and addressing concerns needs to be improved.

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HR-TeamHR Employer Branding Expert

Hi and thank you for your feedback and the time you took to write it.

We are very sorry that you did not have a good management experience in your area and did feel a lack of communication. In line with our company principal #CreateTransparencyEarnTrust, trust is our foundation for a good relationship with our employees and transparency is vital for that trust. We are already developing our managers through a number of internal training courses and initiatives (Mentoring Program, Leadership Cicle, etc.) to ensure transparancy and neutrality against employees.

Diversity is also a priority for us, as we see ourselves as an international company with employees from more than 55 countries. We want to create a safe space where everyone is accepted and respected. This is the only way for us to develop further and be truly innovative.

We always seek for constructive feedback from our employees, as we want to optimize processes and create a great working atmosphere. You are welcome to get in touch with the HR team and help us to improve the situation and avoid it in the long term:

We look forward for your feedback!

HR Team
