Cannot recommended as potential employer
Get rid of shady management practices and be more transparent about what is needed for promotions and pay hikes.
This depends on the Team, and the variation between different teams is too strong in contrast. However I would say from what I know about other teams from other colleagues, right now all teams are mostly having the same problems.
The people in management and leadership positions are the most non-transparent people but demand complete transparency from team members. If anything remains less than clear its your own fault and no cross-examination is done.
The work environment is stressful and this in turn causes people within the team to be insecure and competitive in an unhealthy and toxic manner. Lots of politics! There is no attention paid to company culture at all!
If one is having difficulty relaxing and going to sleep in one's personal time, one knows it's time to find a new employer. And if the economic situation wasn't this bad with respect to jobs, I would waste no time.
No one knows what the management wants, the more you accomplish the farther away the goal post becomes
Could be better, but not super bad
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Colleagues who are in the company longer create unwelcome environment for new people, to the extent of hiding essential information, giving bad/incorrect advice and negative performance reviews. Management gives no chance to offer explanations or redeem oneself. There is no transparency on this process. If you complain or question the leadership you can be shown the door, I have seen it happen to some colleagues.
This can vary across different teams. Sometimes you can have interesting tasks at other times, mind numbingly boring or unclear. You cannot complain.
If you don't expect an e-commerce company to be socially conscious, you are only being realistic
Everyone knows they don't pay well. Moreover, Promotions are denied for unclear or made-up reasons so the management don't have to pay employees what they deserve.
The image I had of them when I joined was positive but I guess that was because of the real digital times. The new setup brings with it cold-hearted corporate leadership with work practices that are like American MNCs, but the pay is not like them.
Depends on the team. The budget is apparently "infinite" to up-skill oneself but in practice that is not the reality even if it is relevant to the company.