62 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
62 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
53 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen62 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
53 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Hire and fire
Overload; unpaid extra hours
No old people
Tell you: we are open- but dont believe it.
lovely team and supportive team lead
numa do take care the image
with home office is easy
still need to improve this
bit below average, no extra
numa do take care of carbon foot print
small but very lovely team, def made my every day
My onboarding process, thanks to my onboarding buddy, was definitely the best experience.
We have a professional and lovely team leader.
not the best , also not bad
good open and productive communication
At Numa, we wholeheartedly welcome and support the LGBTQ+ community and women, fostering an inclusive and empowering environment where everyone can thrive.
more standard then an agency but nothing to complain
The current situation is highly concerning. Employees are being dismissed arbitrarily by management every few months. The reasons provided for these dismissals are often unreasonable, such as “I feel like we drifted apart, so I decided to let you go” or “You look demotivated, so we decided to part our ways with you". Your performance has nothing to do with it; top-performing employees have been laid off this way before. This behavior from management is unacceptable. Raising complaints to the ethics committee, which by the way is composed of management members, often results in further dismissals. This biased and toxic behavior from those who should be role models is deeply troubling. Avoid the GX department in particular, as it has the most toxic and brutal management.
Flexibilität, Vertrauen, tolles Produkt, Arbeitsatmosphäre
Gehalt und Arbeitsplätze
Gehaltserhöhung (Gehalt entpricht nicht der Veranwortung), bessere Arbeitsplätze/Räume
Development possibilities
Great people with great motivation and great experience.
more holidays
With the remote set-up you can manage your work-life-balance easily
Putting a lot of effort in sustainability measures
The team is great and everyone is working on the same goals.
Amazing new office in Berlin, and a good hardware to work with
regular all-hands meetings provides more transparency and give everyone a chance to understand where certain departments stand and what they are focusing on. Also the communication within the teams is really good.
As numa is growing so fast, there is always super interesting new challenges ti tackle
Wonderful in my department
Very result oriented, in most positions you can work from everywhere
Could be better but it's becoming more and more a focus
Everyone is treated the same
Good but would expect more updates from the Senior Leadership.
Best thing of numa. Lots of new challenges. Nothing for everyone but if you are young and want to learn it's perfect
The people & the product
Dubious practices
Business-centric lack of people-centric leadership
Lack of appreciation and support
Value your employees & be more people-centric, especially HR. Hire more women in Senior Leadership. You will benefit long-term if you keep your employees and get away from the mindset that everyone is replaceable. Foster your talent or else you will fall behind pretty quickly.
Respect and value local labour law and do not try to move around it. You are based in Germany a very employee-friendly country with a lot of protective laws. If you do not like it then move your company base to another country.
Everyone does more than the legal maximum of working hours per week unrecorded and unrecognized. You are expected to give 200% with no chance for promotions.
I think the image is ok, pretty young & vibrant.
You have to fight for your work-life balance. If you want to have free time you have to work at a very high speed if unexpected things pop up you are expected to immediately work on them.
Develop your skills and leave! There is no learning and development at all no budget, no plans nothing.
For junior positions or mid-level below market salaries and in some departments the salaries are very very low with no sign of getting better. The general mindset in the company is the lower the better but they still expect 200% out of you in terms of performance to be able to get a minimal 5% salary raise.
No interest in being sustainable neither in operations nor at the office. There is no recycling ever and during our move, a lot of things were just thrown away...
Used to be very good in my team before they fired a lot of my colleagues.
There are few but the one's that work there are treated equally I would say.
Terrible just terrible. Neither Senior Leadership nor HR really is on top of things and barely knows the local laws and requirements. It feels like everyone is a rookie that just been given way to much responsibilities. I learned everything myself there was no one I deemed senior enough for me to look for any answers.
Very chaotic, people barely know what is going on, company updates are shared with small Slack updates that is it. Important changes in employees/responsibilities are barely ever mentioned and brushed off.
From the data I have seen a very big gender pay gap and there are barely any women in leadership positions.
I have been given a lot of trust and responsibilities to work freely on projects and ad hoc tasks. I gained a lot of experience that way and am thankful for the trust I have been given but the responsibilities did not match my salary. I had very senior and strategic tasks a lot of the time with a very junior salary. I would recommend gaining experience here and then leaving because you will not be appreciated for the work you do here.
Colleagues are great, very international environment
Being able to work from abroad
No career development
No feedback
Pay way below the average
Holidays below the average
Chaotic environment
Better pay for all employees
More holidays to improve work life balance
Increase level of professionalism in c-level management
Stop treating employees like they are replaceable and foster more career development, the employees are the most important part of the business and this is not understood
- Hierarchien spielen keine Rolle
- Respekt wird groß geschrieben
- Die Menschen!
- Ein Programm zur Mitarbeitendenentwicklung
- Mehr Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit
- 4-Tage-Woche testen
Mit Familie eher schwierig
Viele Möglichkeiten für Weiterentwicklung auch in anderen Bereichen. Ein Budget für externe Weiterbildungen wäre wünschenswert.
Viel Luft nach oben, aber es wird dran gearbeitet
Das beste an numa
Es gibt eigentlich keine
Gerade ein neues modernes Büro in Berlin bezogen
In der mittleren Management-Ebene gut, aber auf der obersten muss noch was getan werden
Viel Freiraum für Projekte
So verdient kununu Geld.