38 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
38 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
35 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen38 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
35 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Es wird sich hauptsächlich per "du" angesprochen und da die Hierarchien relativ sind, besteht eine sehr angenehme und faire Atmosphäre
Klasse. Man kann im Office sowie Remote arbeiten, was viel Flexibilität bietet. Zudem wird sehr auf das Studentenleben geachtet, es ist Konsens, dass man während der Klausurenphase weniger Zeit hat.
Man wird aktiv gefördert und es bestehen Möglichkeiten der weiteren Karriere bei osapiens
Excellent! Meine Vorgesetzten unterstützen mich und man merkt, dass alle sehr fair miteinander sind
Sehr kommunikativ, mitfühlsam und straight-forward, was ich sehr genieße
Durch klare Pläne und top geplanten Meetings ist die Kommunikation sehr produktiv
Da ich im Operations Teil arbeite, gibt es immer neue Aufgaben die Kreativität fordern. Jedoch gibt es auch einzeln wiederholende Aufgaben, die aber als Abwechslung angenehm sind.
Osapiens is a new company, it feels fresh and we are all actively working on a better future together. Management is also really involved and you can tell the puzzle pieces are coming together.
As a lot of young people are working at this company the atmosphere is really nice
The tasks are really interesting and flexible. There is always something new
The image, many inbounds, no cold calling (FOR REAL!) great leadership, vision and ambition. Everyone works hard (out of their own motivation), yet everyone cares for each other.
I had to think a bit but I found something: It would be nice if we also had urban sports memberships
maybe hire more sales operations people that help improve processes and software. They made a great hire recently, please more of that!
I have never seen so much intrinsic motivation in a workplace. People rally behind the idea and vision as well as the leadership of the company and push forward. Really incredible. Love it!
osapiens is a major player in the sustainability field. we are known and respected for our software and events, like the osapiens Summit with thousands of guests and top tier speakers. Prospects actively approach us, everything works well together
I am going to be honest with you here. the demand is insane, we are being chased by prospects if we don't get back to them fast enough. People who have families seem to manage though! A lot of people work remotely as well. But to be clear, this is not a place if you want to have a quiet one and drop the pencil at 5PM sharp.
you build a network fast. everyone is friendly, osapiens is also a politics free zone. Really appreciate that.
I actually like my pipeline calls, it almost feels like a service they do for me so I don't forget about anything.
There are plenty of formats where you are getting updates about recent developments (the ESG market is always on the move). I wish we would be better informed about operational efficiency topics and what progress is being made here.
excellent mix of younger and older, male and female colleagues, many people from all over the globe.
osapiens is bursting with fascinating tools and topics—I feel positively challenged every day! There’s still so much to learn, and the company is full of brilliant minds. I’ve never had the honor of working with so many talented people before. Just hoping I’m not dragging the average down too much :D
No genuine overtime compensation in my team.
Their services are aimed at improving humanitarian and environmental issues, that is how they make their money. Just a business.
Mostly kind, but in critical situations, everyone's out for themselves first. As long as oneself is not treated badly, all is sunshine and rainbows.
There are not many employees from older generations. I had the feeling that they don't put much stock in experience.
Depends on the department. Flat hierarchies are advertised here, but in my experience the reality is different. The cohesion among colleagues is clearly strongest in leading positions; as a weaker link in the chain, one's own opinion and one's own well-being are of less importance. No ability to give and receive direct constructive criticism. Micromanagement.
Depends mostly on the team. I experienced communication only in one direction, i.e. only from top down; free expression of opinion was not welcomed, from what I saw.
Monotonous, but at least useful.
The vibe at Osapiens is really great. The team collaborates well and there's a lot of support among colleagues. The office is nicely set up.
Osapiens has a positive reputation in the industry. The company’s brand is well-regarded, and employees generally trust the leadership and the company’s vision. This positive image contributes to a sense of pride in working here. #SoS
The work hours are flexible, and working from home is totally doable. Nevertheless it is very helpful and benefitial to get in touch with your colleagues in person.
At Osapiens, a rapidly expanding scale-up, there are numerous opportunities for career growth. Employees receive valuable mentorship to help them advance in their careers.
Compensation at Osapiens is competitive and aligns well with industry standards. The benefits package is comprehensive, including public transportation or Job Bike. Performance bonuses are offered, adding to the overall job satisfaction.
Osapiens shows a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. The company actively engages in community projects and follows ethical practices regarding environmental issues.
There’s a strong sense of teamwork at Osapiens. Colleagues are supportive and collaborative, often going out of their way to assist each other.
Older colleagues are respected and valued for their experience.
The bosses are approachable and provide regular, helpful feedback. You always feel like they genuinely support your growth and want to help you succeed.
The working conditions are excellent. The office environment is well-maintained with modern equipment. Health and safety standards are rigorously followed, and the company supports a healthy work-life balance through flexible working options.
The communication at Osapiens is generally clear and effective. Regular feedback is provided, which helps in addressing concerns promptly. Various channels like team meetings and internal messaging systems facilitate smooth information flow.
Osapiens is committed to equality. All employees are treated fairly regardless of their background. There are equal opportunities for advancement, and the company promotes an inclusive environment.
The tasks are diverse and engaging. Employees are given the opportunity to work on challenging projects that stimulate professional growth. There’s a good balance between routine tasks and innovative assignments.
relaxed and friendly
"the growing startup"
There definitely is a lot of work
opportunities are there
compensation is good
definitely a topic everyone cares about
very friendly atmosphere
all the same
very friendly and on eye level
very cute offives
fast and open communication
definitely good however in the leadership team there are 90% men
Alles oben kurz gefasst.
Es gibt in jedem Unternehmen Verbesserungsvorschläge, aber nichts kritisches das hier erwähnt werden müsste.
Sehr angenehm, sowohl in der Arbeit als auch menschlich
Image stimmt mit der Realität überein
Perfektes zusammenspiel
Viele Abteile in der man sich langsam spezialisieren und im Anschluss steigern kann. Möglich ist alles - sofern man möchte.
Sehr fair!
Das ist unsere Arbeit - also Ja!
Wichtiger Aspekt - läuft sehr gut
Natürlich Respektvoll
Sehr Zufrieden. Wichtig ist das bei Änderungswünschen man hier ernst genommen wird und diese umgesetzt werden.
Umfeld ist sehr gut, das Büro ist wirklich angenehm und modern!
Sehr transparent
Sehr vielfältig. Natürlich manchmal herausfordernd, aber top
Good working environment. Flexible working hours
Ambitioniertes Umfeld, man unterstützt sich gegenseitig, offene Diskussionskultur
Bislang wenig Marketing- trotzdem zunehmend bekannt
Grundsätzlich viel zu tun - insbesondere wenn man zum Erfolg beitragen will und schnelles Wachstum erzielen will. Trotzdem fühlt es sich gut an, Freiräume werden eingeräumt und bieten Flexibilität
Karrierechancen könnten kaum besser sein; Weiterbildung muss noch ausgebaut werden
Kontinuierlich wachsende Teams, onboarding neuer Kollegen stellt gewisse Herausforderung dar und funktioniert sehr gut
Wenige ältere Kollegen werden gut integriert, können noch mehr sein
Ideen können direkt umgesetzt werden. Noch nie so fördernd wahrgenommen in meiner Karriere
Neues Büro seit drei Monaten, zuvor nicht so gut
Eigene Anregungen werden eingefordert und unterstützt
Komplett ohne Vorbehalte - jeder ist gleich
Strategie des Unternehmens geht auf - durch das Wachstum kommen immer neue Kunden dazu (bis hin zu DAX Konzernen und anderen renommierten Firmen). Dadurch entstehen immer neue Möglichkeiten sich zu spezialisieren
So verdient kununu Geld.