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A fish rots from the head down.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

My Colleagues were the best part of my workday. They are witty, some of the kindest and most supportive Colleagues I could have asked for and they made any stressful day more enjoyable. It was a lot of fun to have worked with this mixed bag of people.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Lack of fundamental Leadership skills. From my perspective, there is either rehiring or retraining needed or both. Pretty much all departments and teams are understaffed. Instead of providing much needed support, employees will get yelled at that they need to work harder, although you as an employee are already bending over backwards to get your job done and tired from exhaustion. I naively thought that my hard work would be acknowledged and appreciated. Silly me!


Stick to your values! It appears to be acceptable to hold employees to standards that Management just conveniently ignores when it´s their turn. Stop being condescending, stop being disrespectful and start treating employees as valued members of the company. Show that you appreciate them and acknowledge their hard work!
Employees are not being included in the decision-making process when it comes to changes. Managers just do as they please without knowing or caring for the impact their actions will have on a department. And then they are dumbfounded when people leave. So, maybe work on that too!


The walls have ears. My workplace has become increasingly toxic over time and your every step is monitored and every word you say or type is being deliberately misconstrued. It can be suffocating to work under constant surveillance and less than trustworthy leadership. And no matter where or how often you discuss these issues, nothing ever changes.


Proper communication rarely happens. You are always the last one to know and even when you ask something, people have the audacity to lie. It´s also ironic that the company’s values say you must be transparent and informed. Yet when you want to enforce those values, the same company denies you the possibility. They don’t get the hypocrisy.


My direct colleagues and I supported each other whenever needed and got along well. The company does have some black sheeps though, which means that you cannot trust everybody and must be careful what you say or do in whos presence.


For my job, the work hours were flexible-ish. Depends on the department.


Horrible. In most cases when we asked for help, we were met with a cold “do it yourself and let me know how it went”. My work and the ability to work under Kafkaesque circumstances were never acknowledged. You only hear from them when shit hit the fan or when they want to scold you for working overtime without permission. Because of low staff my colleagues and I were expected to take on double or tripple the workload and without working overtime. We were basically expected to work at the speed of sound. And don’t even think about making a mistake! Only positive criticism is considered constructive and therefore welcome. If you dare to voice negative criticism it will be labeled as fake news and you-know-who will act suspiciously offended instead of doing something about it. You also have to expect retaliation.
It is quite difficult to find trustworthy people (even in the works council) to talk to about these problems because there are butt-smoochers who will tell on you just to enrich themselves.

Interessante Aufgaben

I really liked my job. Diverse topics that made you think outside the box. It was never boring. No day was like the other.


Grey office cubicles. Nothing special.
Well equipped office desks with pretty much everything one might need.
Now, lets talk about hygiene. Those carpets with mysterious stains sure need to be replaced. They are dusty and dirty and in my unprofessional opinion a health hazard. Slightly less dangerous but equally gross are the silverfish. They are everywhere. Dead ones inside the frames on the wall, plentiful living specimen all over the building. Its disgusting.


There are plenty of recycling bins in the kitchenettes and lunch room but no personal ones at everyone’s desk.


Yes, you know what salary you´re accepting when signing your contract. But taking on more responsibilities and an improvement in your work quality should be rewarded with a pay raise. Apparently, PE didn’t get the memo. Your willingness to work harder under more and more difficult circumstances is taken for granted.


The reputation is not good. If the pay was better and the employees were actually valued, PE would have a shot at becoming a decent place. As is, I fully understand where the bad reviews are coming from.
I know of at least one review on this platform that was requested by the company. A former colleague was asked to leave a positive but honest review to attract staff for their department.


The company offers internal excel seminars. Other out of house seminars/webinars are somewhat of a sensitive topic as it’s not a necessity in managements eyes, but merely a luxury and a privilege.


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Olga ManushinaCorporate Communications and Event Manager

Sorry for the late reply and thank you for sharing your feedback.
We’re happy to read that you shared the positive aspects of working with us, like our great team, flexible working hours, and training opportunities.
Being an international company with many nationalities, we aim to create a comfortable and welcoming workplace for everyone.
We also appreciate that you recognize our values and acknowledge our ongoing efforts to align our work with them.
We take your concerns seriously and understand how important good leadership is. Building trust and keeping clear and professional communication are top priorities for us, and we are working constantly to improve in these areas. We have over 30 leaders in our company, and leadership training is an important part of what we do.
We know there are challenges, but we are committed to making Parts Europe an even better place to work.
If you ever decide to share more details about your feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
Thank you again for your time with us, and we wish you all the best in your future career.
