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Toxic - Not a SaaS Company at all! This review needed to be adjusted because the company is fighting the truth.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The working atmosphere is characterized by incredible pressure in the commercial departments. In the IT and Product departments (which are completely overstaffed), everyone can do whatever they want. Not a single noteworthy feature release in 2024 speaks for itself. Product Manager arrives at 11 a.m. and leaves at 3 p.m. As soon as someone in Sales leaves before 5 pm, Slack messages from the founder to the employee follow.


Communication at PowerUs is based on the lie that communication is open and transparent. In reality, there is a lot of talking about people, but not with them. This can be the case after a video call with the founder in which too many critical questions were asked, but also when the HR managers insinuate things out of the blue.
Only low performers (product and tech) are celebrated.


In the commercial departments Sales and Account Management great. In the other departments basically not existing since everyone is remote and is doing whatever they want without any control.
In IT, people brag that sometimes all you have to do is to be online on Slack and move the mouse automatically.


Good home office options.


The founding team is a disaster.
The other founder is desperately trying to right the ship but is simply too weak and too inexperienced. Together with the VP Account Management and the HR team, both have pulled off one of the worst layoffs that Start Up Berlin has ever seen.

Interessante Aufgaben

It was a nice place because of the colleagues in the commercial teams not because of the company or the product.


Female empowerment is everywhere. That leads to many bad hires.
An English-speaking HR Manager was hired. In all meetings that dealt with important topics for the employees, only English was spoken. Harsh discrimination for people who do not speak fluent English.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no "old" employees.


Good Equipment.




Good salary if you are successfull.


PowerUs tries to paint an inclusive and fair picture of itself. That is absolute nonsense. Anyone can be fired at any time and nobody cares. The company isn't an Olympic sports team because some teams don't have to do anything and are still celebrated. The important commercial teams, which pay everyone's salaries, are being bullied. Quote from the founder: “Why do they earn so much?”


Almost all highperformers are let go.

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