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59 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,1Weiterempfehlung: 75%

59 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

44 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Starker Zusammenhalt

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Das Sales-Team bei PowerUs ist das motivierendste und unterstützendste, in dem ich je gearbeitet habe. Die Energie im Team war herausragend, und ich hatte die Chance, von unglaublich talentierten Menschen zu lernen.
Auch in den anderen Teams herrscht ein enger oft freundschaftlicher Zusammenhalt.
Zudem bietet PowerUs regelmäßige Teamevents, Offsites und strukturierte Teamwochen, um den Zusammenhalt der gesamten Firma zu stärken.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die Kündigungswelle im Oktober war eine Herausforderung, insbesondere durch den Wegfall der erfahrenen Führungskräfte im Sales-Team. Dadurch gab es eine Phase der Umstrukturierung, die nicht immer einfach war.
Dennoch wurde mit Engagement daran gearbeitet, neue Strukturen aufzubauen und sich anzupassen.


Eine noch klarere Kommunikation und proaktivere Einbindung der Mitarbeiter in Veränderungsprozesse könnten helfen, Unsicherheiten bei großen Umstrukturierungen zu minimieren.


Die allgemeine Stimmung im Sales Team war positiv, offen und dynamisch. Jeder im Team hat sich gegenseitig unterstützt, und die Zusammenarbeit war stets auf Augenhöhe.


Trotz Herausforderungen zeigt PowerUs stetig den Willen, sich weiterzuentwickeln und an seiner Mission festzuhalten.


PowerUs bietet die Möglichkeit, remote zu arbeiten, was eine große Flexibilität schafft. Auch wenn die Arbeit im Vertrieb mit Leistungsdruck verbunden ist, ermöglicht die vorhandene Struktur eine effiziente Arbeitsweise und gute Balance.


Bei PowerUs gibt es viele Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung, besonders wenn man Eigeninitiative zeigt.


Das Grundgehalt war durchschnittlich für Account Executives, mit der Möglichkeit, durch gute Performance von Accelerator-Programmen zu profitieren. Insgesamt bietet PowerUs eine faire und leistungsgerechte Vergütung.


Der Zusammenhalt unter den Kollegen war außergewöhnlich stark. Besonders im Sales-Team hat man sich gegenseitig unterstützt und motiviert, was die tägliche Arbeit sehr angenehm machte. Durch Teamevents und regelmäßige Zusammenkünfte wurde der Teamgeist aktiv gefördert. Viele Kollegen werden Freunde, was sehr schön ist!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

PowerUs hat eine sehr junge Altersstruktur, aber grundsätzlich herrschte ein respektvoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander. Es gab keine Altersdiskriminierung, sondern eine offene und dynamische Zusammenarbeit.


Nach den Veränderungen musste sich die neue Struktur erst etablieren, aber insgesamt wurde mit Engagement daran gearbeitet.


Das Büro war modern und gut ausgestattet. Zudem gab es die Möglichkeit, remote zu arbeiten, was in Zukunft noch stärker ausgebaut wird. Die technischen Arbeitsmittel waren auf einem sehr guten Standard.


PowerUs pflegt eine offene Feedbackkultur. Sollte man das Gefühl haben, dass Feedback nicht sofort umgesetzt wurde, bestand die Möglichkeit, das Gespräch mit Kollegen oder Führungskräften zu suchen.


PowerUs ist ein diverses Unternehmen und fördert eine offene und gleichberechtigte Unternehmenskultur.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Arbeit bei PowerUs war dynamisch und bot viel Raum für Eigeninitiative. Besonders im Vertrieb gab es durch die klare Struktur von SDRs und AEs spannende Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.



Company forces to change true facts in negative reviews!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There were colleagues who made the work bearable

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The wrong image, the poorly functioning product.
The injustice in the evaluation of performance between the individual departments


Strategic hires according to qualification.
More consideration for employees


It was more of a competition between the individual departments than an "Olympic Sports Team", which was always preached as one of the values.

While some teams tried to fight for gold, other teams followed the motto of being there is everything and went backwards.

In the meetings, it sometimes felt like being in a bad movie when massive mistakes and incompetence were sold as victories.

The product has not evolved for years and only works in theory. You wonder what Product and IT are doing all day, because it can't be developing the product.
But well, many have used their office days on site for hours on the terrace for meetings in the sun and exciting stories from their „remote work“ and vacations ... ehh I mean workation.

Especially as the departments are very large and nobody is checked to see whether they are working or not. Unfortunately, the new CTO hasn't changed anything. Nevertheless, the "successes" were celebrated every week, such as the processing of a single ticket...


Externally, the company presents itself as a modern SaaS company.

But the product works, if at all, very manually and like a recruiting platform with users writing to each other.

Promises to customers and employees are not kept.


Very flexible but extremely unfair in terms of control.

While Product and IT only had to open their laptops under palm trees and go surfing and were celebrated for it, there was strong control in other departments and general insinuations that you don't work in the home office.

It got worse when one of the founder took over departmental responsibility again after the layoff.


Not existing


You could never be sure, as pricing changed on a weekly basis or areas of responsibility were transferred at the expense of bonus structures without consultation.
It all got worse when a new management was hired in account management, who had already run a company down before and did not work in a similar position for years.


More is told than done.
Offices were run idle, many trips were made and the company was flown in from all over Europe every quarter for pointless activities.


Everyone is fired up against everyone else by constantly blaming other departments for mistakes in order to cover up their own inability.

It also has a lot to do with the hiring policy. The last management hires in particular have underlined the problem.

I cannot explain in detail, because the company will change facts anytime.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Overall okay. But there are not many.


The majority of decisions were made on the basis of gut instinct and personal feelings in the back room.
People play with the livelihoods of employees without giving it much thought.


Air conditioning saved you in the summer even if the offices were too big for the number of people on site.

Modern work equipment was provided and there were always snacks and drinks.


Open communication was demanded. The reality consisted of a lot of trash talk behind the back.


There is no such thing. I'm not allowed to list facts because the company has them deleted. Says a lot about how employees and other opinions are treated.

Interessante Aufgaben

With decisions changing every month, it was never boring, but there was never a clear line either

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich5Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Toxic - Not a SaaS Company at all! This review needed to be adjusted because the company is fighting the truth.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The working atmosphere is characterized by incredible pressure in the commercial departments. In the IT and Product departments (which are completely overstaffed), everyone can do whatever they want. Not a single noteworthy feature release in 2024 speaks for itself. Product Manager arrives at 11 a.m. and leaves at 3 p.m. As soon as someone in Sales leaves before 5 pm, Slack messages from the founder to the employee follow.


PowerUs tries to paint an inclusive and fair picture of itself. That is absolute nonsense. Anyone can be fired at any time and nobody cares. The company isn't an Olympic sports team because some teams don't have to do anything and are still celebrated. The important commercial teams, which pay everyone's salaries, are being bullied. Quote from the founder: “Why do they earn so much?”


Good home office options.


Almost all highperformers are let go.


Good salary if you are successfull.




In the commercial departments Sales and Account Management great. In the other departments basically not existing since everyone is remote and is doing whatever they want without any control.
In IT, people brag that sometimes all you have to do is to be online on Slack and move the mouse automatically.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no "old" employees.


The founding team is a disaster.
The other founder is desperately trying to right the ship but is simply too weak and too inexperienced. Together with the VP Account Management and the HR team, both have pulled off one of the worst layoffs that Start Up Berlin has ever seen.


Good Equipment.


Communication at PowerUs is based on the lie that communication is open and transparent. In reality, there is a lot of talking about people, but not with them. This can be the case after a video call with the founder in which too many critical questions were asked, but also when the HR managers insinuate things out of the blue.
Only low performers (product and tech) are celebrated.


Female empowerment is everywhere. That leads to many bad hires.
An English-speaking HR Manager was hired. In all meetings that dealt with important topics for the employees, only English was spoken. Harsh discrimination for people who do not speak fluent English.

Interessante Aufgaben

It was a nice place because of the colleagues in the commercial teams not because of the company or the product.

4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich5Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

The fall of a rising star

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company before the layoff

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The poor product
Poor communication in the executive team
Bad strategy and decisions made with “stomach feelings”


Get your stuff together.
Start digging in the data and be data driven with the decisions and learn to interpret them right.
Think before executing.
Don’t listen to too many “Alex Hormozi” podcasts and books.
Quit the toxic gym bro culture


Before the layoffs it was the best commercial team I have ever seen. Thanks to some managers and the VP Sales. After they got let go it changed dramatically to a non friendly and not sustainable atmosphere.


With the layoff and letting high performing members go, PowerUs lost his image of a rising star in the startup bubble. If you want to work at a company with a great reputation you should consider joining another company.

Promises to customers and employees are not kept.

The product was marked with optimistic promises and idealistic narratives.


If you worked in tech you had nothing to do. The overhead was huge. No features were shipped because the focus wasn’t on improving the product.
If you’re working in a customer facing role the balance got worse and worse.


Flying the whole company to Mallorca…


There were no development paths


This was the best team I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with.
Now it’s more like surviving the day and switching off all notifications in the evening.


Thinking of the great leaders we had before the layoff I have to say it’s a shame that some of them were let go. Especially in the sales/marketing department. After the layoff the former high performing culture got torn apart by micromanaging and blaming reps with wrong insights. This is mostly the result from the reorganisation and the transition into a more commercial role, reflecting a strategic shift in the company’s leadership culture.


AC in the office. Top tech stack and everything you could imagine.


PowerUs was organised in silos. It was hard to communicate within the the commercial team and even harder with cross functional teams.


Pay was good if you hit your quota. Unfortunately way off the market. After the layoff the quotas got raised because one founder had the feeling half of the team could deliver the sale results as the full team before the layoff.


Interessante Aufgaben

5Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich6Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Good luck to everybody

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There's not much left

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Goes beyond the scope here


Stop being led by investors. Most of them are not interested in employees but in money.
Managers should also be trained in good employee management.
Stop with the sectarian talk like we want to build an Olympic sports team. Only driver no passer.
Stop having reviews deleted. Own up to it and simply do better in the future.


The working atmosphere was simply a dream - if you love nightmares. Some of the colleagues were a prime example of teamwork, successfully ignoring each other, and the managers obviously had a talent for systematically destroying motivation. Every day was a celebration - a tragedy, but consistent all the same.


Another good quote: Image is not a chop that you can tie to your leg. You either have it or you don't.


Remote first contract with 2 mandatory days a week for some teams. Find the mistake.
It's probably better since the restructuring that the company just doesn't want to talk about


A career is like a game of mario - if you don't jump at exactly the right moment, you fall into the abyss.


The only thing that was really good


As a cult character from a German series says: "Environmental awareness? Yes, of course! I do everything ecologically now too: I separate my garbage, smoke in the parking lot so that nature gets something out of it - I'm basically the A I Gore of Capitol!"


In the Team good, but most of the rest are a real role model for interpersonal coldness - even the North Pole would have applauded.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are hardly any employees over 40


If there was an Olympic discipline for micromanagement, everyone would definitely win gold Team lead. Making decisions without involving the team? A true master at it! Feedback meetings are also always a highlight for us - praise? Of course, it's given in homeopathic doses so that we don't take it for granted.

But I think the best motto is: 'My door is always open' - but only for air and the illusion of accessibility. All in all, it's a parade of how to effectively demotivate employees. Hats off!"


Working here is a real experience - overtime, of course, is not only tolerated here, but apparently a prerequisite for belonging. If you work effectively and in a structured manner and can finish work on time, you will be looked at with shock.


Communication was absolutely exemplary - if the aim was not to clarify anything with each other. Information was either passed on in cryptic hints or was lost directly before it could reach anyone. Meetings? A masterpiece of wasted time, where everyone ended up knowing less than before. Really impressive.


Only as an introvert you not that welcome

Interessante Aufgaben


2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Heaven for IT/Product - Hell for commercial departments

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The impression was that product development was stagnating.
Minimal features were introduced within a year even though IT/Product were overstaffed, sometimes without communicating them with other teams. Sometimes you had meetings with customers and were surprised by them yourself.
Nevertheless, these departments enjoyed the most freedom and felt like they had the freedom of a fool.

The pressure in the commercial departments was enormous. A lot of micromanagement and management decisions based on gut feeling. It got worse and worse as product development stagnated.
Fulfillment or overperformance were at most acknowledged by management. But there was no shortage of criticism if you had a bad month.


Already much burned on the market - thanks to poor product


Home office was offered, but with strict controls, especially for the commercial departments. It was still expected that you would be happy to come into the office for checks and more micromanagement.

For IT and Product, there was almost only home office and workation. Onsite only for team events with games etc. - Heaven!




Low base salary for SaaS but good if you pass targets




Really enjoyed working with my close colleagues. Team overlap is virtually non-existent.


Petty, toxic and irrational


Good equipment


Not available only within the team


Strong agenda from HR that does not ensure equality

Interessante Aufgaben

For what is promised and required in the recruiting process and by the candidates a joke.
Super monotonous only alternating when irrational changes are made by a founder again

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich5Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Toxic start-up environment - avoid to work here!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Sales team before layoff

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Toxic working atmosphere, incompetent upper management, celebrating low performers


Change the management team, hire a fair and capable HR team and create a working product.
Dont let highperformers go. Dont just hire someone because of his or her gender but of the capabilities and qualification of the person.


Unfortunately I had to change some true passages due to a complaint

Apart from the mood in the sales team due to permanent overperformance, the mood in the company was characterized by the celebration of memes and trivialities in various pointless weekly meetings. This was before a personal layoff crusade initiated by one of the incompetent founders who took over the commercial department after nearly everyone got fired ,supported by a toxic, radically vegan/feminist HR and a newly hired VP Account Management who carried everything but havent worked in a similar position for years!


A lot is being done to create a great image.

It's also difficult to tell customers how badly the product actually works

The layoff has burned the name in the start-up scene.


A lot of home office possible and freedom under the former management team in sales.
After layoff and takeover by a founder only micromanagement and time clock feeling.


One external workshop otherwise a lot of hard work and dedication from the sales team


Salary was good if you overperformed. You get some Esop if you are lucky enough to stay some time but keep in mind you can be terminated at any time even if you achieve your quotas. For the commercial departments therefore not really a benefit you can count on.

Very unfair pay for individual team members and departments.


We were encouraged to travel a lot and also celebrated in meetings when managers from South East Asia or vacation islands were invited. The whole company was invited to parties on ships or abroad. Air conditioning systems were operated with the windows open.


With a few exceptions, one of the best, most effective and most successful sales teams I have ever worked in.
Unfortunately, half of them were made redundant in one fell swoop.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There's hardly anyone else over 40.
But no consideration is given to them.
All that matters is the well-being of female colleagues and generation self-fulfillment without performance.


C-Level is responsible for an inhumane layoff due to personal differences.

It's generally stuck to people who just say yes, send memes, pretend to work hard in their workation or if you burn a lot of money for the company.

If you show commitment, bring numbers and think for yourself, you are always on the hit list.

Until the end, no management style was recognizable or decisions were made rationally.


The old office was very modern and you got good work equipment. There was also a fridge and a fruit basket if HR mangaged to fill it properly.


If you like 20 tools and more than 3 communication channels, you've come to the right place.


If you don't submit to HR's agenda, you'll have a hard time, especially as a man. Things are simply insinuated, meetings are booked or anonymous complaints are invented.

HR pushes a feminist agenda with hatred for white, male colleagues regardless of sexuality.

Every opportunity, whether it's a company party, game night or lunch, is used to try to get people to adopt a vegan lifestyle and no alternatives were offered.

Interessante Aufgaben

The task was very monotonous, as the product doesn't have much to do with SaaS and is very simple.

Cold calling in the morning, demos in the afternoon. Meeting with the company and next week all over again.

5Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich6Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

I wouldn’t recommend anyone to work here.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.


The founder duo and the overall leadership team need to be reconsidered.


The work atmosphere in the sales department was unparalleled. Unfortunately, the performance and incredible successes of the sales department were always downplayed. The “successes” of other departments were consistently valued and celebrated, even though in other companies, they would have been considered significant losses.
I never felt like a part of the team in total.


What is outstanding is the opportunity to do home office and workation!
Unfortunately, the commercial founder deliberately ensures that working hours are strictly monitored, and messages being sent during weekends, etc.


No opportunity for professional growth.
There is no one to learn from, and no chance to attain a higher title.


The salary is good, but only if the targets are achievable. Bonus structures seem to be constantly adjusted, as are pricing models, which directly impact the ability to meet those targets. The founder doesn’t understand why the team “earns so much money” and expects everyone to prioritize the company over their own salary.


The air conditioning runs while the windows are open, a massive office space is available, but less than half of it is used—yet it is still heated and lit.


The team cohesion in the sales department is outstanding, but it is nonexistent with other departments.


Catastrophic leadership behavior, including micromanagement. Decision-making processes are neither transparent nor rational.
Goals are unattainable, and failure to achieve them is carried on the backs of employees, who pay for the leadership’s incompetence through their lost bonuses.


It is often said that communication is the most important thing. At PowerUs, however, it’s more about pretending to communicate.
The teams communicate extremely poorly with each other, relying on countless tools that often lead to miscommunication or go nowhere.
The worst communication, however, is with the founder responsible for the commercial department.

Interessante Aufgaben

The work was highly repetitive, as the product is straightforward and has little to do with SaaS.
Simple product that is not really evolving and simple customers.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich7Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre

Ex-Werkstudent/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung gearbeitet.


es könnte mehr von den Managern kommuniziert werden um besser zu werden








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


Typical Berlin Start-Up

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.


Even as a start-up, the company should prioritize establishing solid structures and clear communication.

Restructuring and layoffs are always challenging but should be addressed proactively. This doesn’t mean creating unnecessary panic but rather fostering transparency and open communication with employees.


Open reception and a pleasant working atmosphere in the office. The hardware is excellent, and remote work is no problem either.


A big positive is the freedom you have in organizing your work. As long as your performance remains above average and you complete your projects, you can structure your tasks as you see fit.


Career advancement is only possible with a strong relationship with the lead.


Managers are unaware of their responsibilities and often lack the experience or ability to effectively lead a team. This is typical for Start-ups, where rapid promotions often result from networking rather than proven skills. While feedback mechanisms exist, they tend to lack clarity and directness.

Managers frequently appear overwhelmed, especially when it comes to delivering constructive or critical feedback. They often enjoy the benefits of a managerial role but shy away from addressing uncomfortable issues —hardly a display of strong leadership qualities. Additionally, a lack of structure and focus is common, with key topics and meetings often overlooked or poorly managed.


The communication within the team is decent but has room for improvement. The manager struggles to provide direct and straightforward feedback; it’s often vague and lacks the clarity needed to take actionable steps. There is a noticeable lack of managerial qualities.

Interessante Aufgaben

The level of flexibility largely depends on the department you work in. However, since the focus is primarily on the same client, the scope for variety in daily tasks can be somewhat limited. At the same time, the start-up offers a great opportunity to drive change, as established processes and clear structures are still being developed.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich4Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 100 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird PowerUs durchschnittlich mit 4 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt im Durchschnitt der Branche IT (4 Punkte). 68% der Bewertenden würden PowerUs als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 100 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Gehalt/Sozialleistungen, Kollegenzusammenhalt und Arbeitsbedingungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 100 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich PowerUs als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.