The fall of a rising star
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The company before the layoff
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The poor product
Poor communication in the executive team
Bad strategy and decisions made with “stomach feelings”
Get your stuff together.
Start digging in the data and be data driven with the decisions and learn to interpret them right.
Think before executing.
Don’t listen to too many “Alex Hormozi” podcasts and books.
Quit the toxic gym bro culture
Before the layoffs it was the best commercial team I have ever seen. Thanks to some managers and the VP Sales. After they got let go it changed dramatically to a non friendly and not sustainable atmosphere.
PowerUs was organised in silos. It was hard to communicate within the the commercial team and even harder with cross functional teams.
This was the best team I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with.
Now it’s more like surviving the day and switching off all notifications in the evening.
If you worked in tech you had nothing to do. The overhead was huge. No features were shipped because the focus wasn’t on improving the product.
If you’re working in a customer facing role the balance got worse and worse.
Thinking of the great leaders we had before the layoff I have to say it’s a shame that some of them were let go. Especially in the sales/marketing department. After the layoff the former high performing culture got torn apart by micromanaging and blaming reps with wrong insights. This is mostly the result from the reorganisation and the transition into a more commercial role, reflecting a strategic shift in the company’s leadership culture.
AC in the office. Top tech stack and everything you could imagine.
Flying the whole company to Mallorca…
Pay was good if you hit your quota. Unfortunately way off the market. After the layoff the quotas got raised because one founder had the feeling half of the team could deliver the sale results as the full team before the layoff.
With the layoff and letting high performing members go, PowerUs lost his image of a rising star in the startup bubble. If you want to work at a company with a great reputation you should consider joining another company.
Promises to customers and employees are not kept.
The product was marked with optimistic promises and idealistic narratives.
There were no development paths