Growth is not always good for a company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Salary & most of the colleagues
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Culture, Product and Leadership Team.
Hire more woman. Change the leadership team. Get a marketing and a decent design team to change everything. Fix the toxic gym bro culture. And most importantly: Trust the people you hired.
It went downhill quite fast. In the beginning it was a nice atmosphere but it changed dramatically in the last months. People got fired with weird reasons or left as they saw everything unfolding.
The leadership team tried to "fix" everything with communication guidelines or performance checks but made everything worse.
Some teams at PowerUs are so male-dominated that the only talks you'll hear at the coffee machine will be around protein shakes and how to grow your biceps. Some company events feel like Sweet-16 parties, where there testosteron driven contests like the "PowerUs-Triathlon", which is basically 3 ways how to drink your beer in one go.
All in all it's not a great atmosphere and they definitely have to grow up there.
It's pretty bad. People are afraid to speak up since the leadership team introduced the communication guidelines and some were told to not challenge something any longer.
There are a lot of pointless meetings and some higher up people seem to be obsessed with Notion docs, so that some times you'll spent a lot of hours a week going through pointless notion docs and strange processes that the leadership team read on LinkedIn or Medium.
The greater team at PowerUs is full of awesome people and everyone supports each other.
It's quite ok with home office but the chaos in some teams will drive you crazy.
The leadership team at PowerUs (Founders, Chiefs and Head Ofs) are a total mess in every regard. You can really feel that PowerUs is the first and only leadership experience for all of them.
Some of them are unexperienced but ok to work with while there are also persons where it's impossible to communicate and work with, as the only thing they accept is their process that they have written down in their notion doc and everything is doesn't matter to them.
If you're not working like some of the "gurus" there, you'll mostly getting fired, despite being told the opposite a few days earlier.
Only man and not a single woman in the leadership team. Toxic gym bro culture is also not really helping.
You'll get the technical equipment you need but if it's more expensive it will be hard to pitch to the responsible person. To find the person who is responsible for anything tech related is a challenge itself.
The office is quite nice but is already getting too small for the company. There are only 2 phone booths and 2 conference rooms, so that it's really hard to have meetings when you're in the office.
The equipment in the office is quite ok (standard 24inch monitor and furniture from lendis) but all in all everything there is quite lackluster.
One of the few points that PowerUs is doing well is paying their staff and the option to have ESOP's
No one knows what PowerUs really is and if you're visiting their landing pages you don't quite know what they're doing and it looks more like a fishy scam company (even users have this feeling)
The product itself looks and feels like an outdated university project so that you're not really proud to say you're working (or have worked) for this company.
There are no career plans or ladders, no clear expectations on roles so that you'll be a bit lost in your initial role. Promotions feel like they only happen, when a manager is personally liking someone.