50 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
50 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
38 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
50 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
38 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Selbstüberschätzung, keine Strukturen, Planlosikgeit
Realitätscheck - Nicht so geil wie angenommen
Solange es gut lief -toll
Solange es gut lief - toll, dann zeigten sich die wahren Charaktere
Eine Lachnummer! Keine Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet und dann in eine Führungsposition gehievt.
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Creating a multinational and multicultural working environment. Great summer and Christmas celebrations once on the road.
They want to make people work as hard and for as little pay as they can. They are not egalitarian in terms of salary. The salary ranges of those who started working in the company before are very different. According to the current HR policy, you need to spend 30 years in the company to get close to those salary ranges.
Pay your employees better and pay more attention to their expectations so that the turnover is lower and there is less loss of know-how. This loss of know-how will cost you more in the future.
Peers are so friendly, except some people
Workload is super high. They don't tell you verbally, but the tasks and deadlines push you to work overtime. You don't get any extra vacation or pay in return.
Very lack of career opportunities
Salaries are so much under the Munich average. Also the amount written in the contract is the total amount with bonus. 90% of the amount written is your gross salary. The remaining 10% is a bonus and you can get it at the end of the year if all targets are met. The targets are never met.
No budget for fairs or company visits
The managers are very young. In order to show and prove themselves in the company, they constantly assign development and project presentation tasks among so much workload. When you say that you are too busy to take care of it right now, they intimidate you by reminding you of the year-end raise.
Office desk and chair ergonomics are terrible. A doctor came to the company and said they should be replaced, but there was no change.
People who started working for the company 2-3 years ago definitely have a different salary scale.
Great people and good products.
Top-down-communication, upper management without clear ideas, close to no career opportunities and poor salaries.
Put some clear goals for the company in place, develop new products, set up realistic goals and explain to the investor why their expectations are against what can be possibly achieved in the near future.
Nowadays communication is not open anymore, people talk behind other people's backs for their own advantage. The former credo "no politics" has been buried the day the investor joined the party.
The customers do like the products, the story and the people behind it. The image is good.
Depends on your manager and your department. I heard about sales people traveling to a kickoff on a Sunday during their spare time, even though the meeting was internal. The daily tasks are manageable, but micromanagement is getting more and more a thing here, too, unfortunately.
Poor career chances, if you are not going along with the opinion of the right managers. Promotions are handled very intransparent, in the end some people promise you things they are not in charge of to decide, please do not let you bait by that.
Overall, the salaries at ProGlove are very low. In addition to that, there is always a base and a total salary, the split depends on your department and your personal negotiation skills. Every year, the management puts some company goals into place and you need to obtain them to reach your bonus. Unfortunately, it is because of the investor (as I imagine) that the goals are way too high and a lot of people (especially in Sales) are far from their total salary. This counts as standard at ProGlove.
In addition to that, salary increases are calculated against a self-invented benchmark, the chance of getting some adjustment for inflation are close to zero.
The company got some initiatives for recycling and other ESG topics running, so this is taken very seriously.
The team at ProGlove is a reason to work here. Not only they do support each other on a daily basis, they also love to do things together in their spare time, e.g. sports, hikes or skiing trips. The colleagues are amazing!
There is not too many of them, but those who work here seem happy.
It really depends on your manager - there are extremely capable ones and some who cannot take criticism and at the same time take it personally. Be careful to whom you are speaking about what.
The office in Munich is spacious, but at the same time very noisy. If you like to work quietly and concentrated, do it at home. The issue here: The company (or at least some of the upper management people) force the employees to return to the office at least half of the week. That causes more problems, e.g. regarding the stability of the office WiFi (there is no excuse in 2024 why this is not working) and for some people long transit times to work.
In my opinion there is no clear company goal anymore, for the employees there is nothing to strive for regarding the future. Management decisions are not explained well. There seems to be an invisible line between upper management and the people on the base.
Cannot say anything bad here and never experienced any unequal treatment.
It is okay in my opinion, as there is basically one product in different ranges, there is not too much variety on that side, on the other hand the customers are all different.
Everybody is open and friendly, it's very easy to build relationships and get help when needed. People are open to feedback & improve, also critical topics can be discussed mostly openly.
ProGlove has a great brand and is known for being innovative and human-centric. That also applies internally.
I would say it depends on the department. Working hours are generally fair and overtime should be compensated with free time.
Improved a lot in the last year: 5% of working time can be invested in L&D, L&D Budget per person, Career Development Conversations for all employees etc.
I am a big fan of the transparent benchmarks & the very transparent compensation guideline. Also the benefits are fair: 44€ net subsidy, Food Subsidy, Pension Plan subsidized, Work from abroad, dogs allowed, company events etc.
We have a committee that drives ESG Initiaitives and regularly discuss the topics in company weeklys.
really great. especially when something is urgent, everybody is willing to help.
We treat everybody equally.
I love working with my manager! I believe also the recent leadership training improved a lot.l
I work 2-3 days from home, 1-2 days in the office. really enjoy the flexibility.
The office has a start-up flair and could benerft from renovation.
Laptops are modern, we get everything we need.
Still room for improvement, but quite structured: weekly company meetings, quarterly town hall meetings, transparent communication about performance & numbers, intranet with up to date info. Management is always available for questions.
Transparency on compensation equality, part time programs for parents and employees who want to work part time.
I love my job. If I want to do something else on top, I can propose it.
continue the changes that are happening ....
Covid changed everything, but fortunately to the good
good, gettinge better
a lot of benefits like jobrad, bahncard, parling lot and sports
good - getting better
Since I am one of the eldest, I can speak for myself and thankfully I am treated like everyone else
good - getting better
Weekly company updates, everything very transparent
Eigentlich so gut wie alles. Produkte, Menschen & die Arbeit an sich.
1. Dienstwagenregelung für Salesmitarbeiter sollte überdacht werden. Ich fände es besser, wenn man sich das Fahrzeug selbst konfigurieren kann und entsprechend ausstatten kann. Ggf. unter Vorgabe von 2-3 verschiedenen Modellen. Für einen Sales-MA ist das Auto das 2. Zuhause
2. betriebliche Altersvorsorge
Jeder unterstützt jeden. Jeder ist freundlich zu einander. Das Wohl der Mitarbeiter steht im Fordergrund. Leistung wird dennoch gefordert, aber auch entsprechend gefördert.
Sowohl bei Kunden als auch bei Mitarbeitern top.
Man kann sich seinen Arbeitsalltag i.d.R. selbst einteilen. Viel Arbeit & damit verbunden gute Leistung wird entsprechend honoriert. Der Arbeitgeber bietet seinen MA viele Benefits.
Junges Unternehmen im stetigen Wachstum. Alles ist möglich.
Die Option der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge gibt es aktuell nicht. Dies wäre vllt. sinnvoll.
Deutlich besser als bei Unternehmen aus der selben Branche.
100% Alle für einen und einer für alle.
Alle sind eine große Familie.
Vorgesetzte fordern und fördern einen und haben immer ein offenes Ohr für Dich.
Man erhält alles was man braucht. Die Dienstwagenregelung könnte man verbessern. Ggf. den Mitarbeiter zu einem gewissen Budget selbst konfigurieren lassen. Für Salesmitarbeiter ist das Auto häufig das zweite Zuhause. Somit sollte er es sich auch so einrichten können, wie er möchte.
Man kann immer offen über alles reden & ehrliches Feedback geben. Gelegentlich wartet man auf Antworten etwas länger, wenn diese nicht auf Prio1 stehen. Deshalb einen Stern Abzug.
Jeder hat dich gleichen Chancen.
Tolle Hardware, Top Qualität, Top Software und ständig neue Features, Prozesse und spannende Kunden. Es wird also nie langweilig.
Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe, offen für Vorschläge
Realistische Projektplanung, so dass Mitarbeiter die Zeit haben sich auszutauschen
-Flat organization (not hierarchical)
-Employees are very open and friendly
-Self-improvement and career opportunities
-Flexibility to do Home Office (depending on the role, of course)
-Goal oriented
-Growing company (it is exacting to be part of the growth)
-A "small" company means more visibility, responsibilities, and rapid learning
-Knowledge share is a big asset
-Startup environment (informal but goal-oriented and effective)
-Definitely not boring at ALL
-A small company is more vulnerable than a big one in terms of revenue, cash flow, etc. Nevertheless, the company is growing fast and becoming more and more stable each year.
The only good thing about proglove is its location, because it is in Munich
Dishonest administration, lies and excuses not to pay honestly earned salary
Fire all the dishonest managers and employees and start hiring decent and honest people.
they dealt with the corona situation in a very good way, everything well-planned. i feel safe
So verdient kununu Geld.