IT at Siemens is handled as a second class citizen.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Tasks are normally very interesting and Siemens business people like to innovate a lot
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Working in the IT department here feels like being an external provider. We have to submit proposals to business departments to secure funding, in order to cover our own salaries and the infra. This often leads to multiple IT departments competing against each other to offer the same services to the same internal clients. Adding to the challenge, we also compete with external vendors providing similar services.
The business departments operate with a great deal of autonomy, sometimes to the detriment of cohesive IT strategy. Interestingly, some IT departments enjoy better conditions due to centralized funding, but this is not the norm.
In my career, I’ve never encountered such a fragmented and competitive internal structure. I would not recommend this environment to anyone.
Stop treating IT as an external provider, creates a lot of internal competition and stress for everyone while it wastes Siemens resources as people develop things multiple times just to be able to charge for it and cover their headcount costs
Salaries seem very good if you don’t consider the amount of hours that you end up working