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279 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 3,8Weiterempfehlung: 73%

279 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

196 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 74 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

A diverse and relatively worker friendly company

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.


Reasonable amount of vacation days (cannot take them into the next year though), high home-office flexibility as well as flexibel working times and good load-control from superiors.


Internal Training opportunities are available and being reworked, however i havent found a single useful course yet. The Budget for Extertal Trainings is limited. Lately it seems like efforts are being made to appreciate employees more and also bind them long-term. There are however also examples of high skilled and experienced colleagues being pushed out as their roles were not fitting with New structures anymore.


The wage is definitely only average at best, but at least there are quick opportunities for career advancement.


Really good on low-level direct Management, higher Management lacks transparency.


The newly renovated offices are a good place to work and reflect current developments in the working culture. The company provides you with a home office setup which is really nice as well. Well equipped kitchens and amenities can also be found everywhere. Theres free snacks, drinks (huge selection) and fruits available.


The regular Townhalls on all organisational levels help keeping everyone up-to-date on all important matters. However, with the current restructuring going on, the top-down communication, while increasing in quantity, feels shallow, especially the higher up the level. (Big Ups for the HR Q+As, down for product all hands, which most often have a weird Focus and just so manage to not specifically answer pressing questions from colleagues by beating around the bush).





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben




Dear colleague,

Thank you very much for your feedback! We are glad that you are overall happy with Statista as an employer. We really appreciate your comments and suggestions, which help us to develop and improve. Thank you for taking the time to share your thought with us!

Best regards
Statista Talent Acquistion

Dieser Kommentar bezieht sich auf eine frühere Version der Bewertung.

Leaving the sinking ship - Recommended to not start at this company!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.


Statista’s workplace culture leaves much to be desired. Employee appreciation often feels superficial, exemplified by "pizza parties" as a token of gratitude. There is a pervasive mistrust between management and employees, creating a tense and toxic work environment. Hardworking employees are "rewarded" with more tasks instead of meaningful recognition, with no budget allocated for professional development (e.g., external courses) and salary grids that fall far below market value. Office politics often take precedence over actual productivity, and unprofessional behavior from management, such as openly trashing about (current & former) employees, is disturbingly normalized.


The ongoing restructuring has led to a complete breakdown of trust in management and the company. Layoffs have become routine, and in recent weeks, increasing numbers of employees are choosing to resign on their own. Conversations among staff typically revolve around complaints about the inefficient management decisions, low salaries, and inadequate social benefits.


The only positive aspect of working at Statista is the work-life balance.

However, this exists largely because the company pays salaries significantly below the market average for all roles. As a result, lower management is reluctant to let employees go, knowing it would be nearly impossible to find replacements willing to work for such low compensation. This creates a work environment where minimal effort is the norm. Teams rarely put effort into optimizing processes, and over-performing is viewed as odd or unnecessary. In fact, employees who put in extra effort are often mocked by their peers for "working too much."

If you're looking for a laid-back job where expectations are low and the workload is light, Statista might be the perfect fit for you.


Statista offers internal training on a variety of topics, from basic business administration to advanced Excel courses. While these programs can be seen as a "nice to have," they represent the bare minimum a company can do for career development. Statista does not provide personalized learning budgets, which would allow employees to choose courses that align with their individual interests and career goals. Additionally, there is no employee access to popular platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or LinkedIn Learning. The company appears to view career development as unimportant, likely due to the high employee turnover rate, which leads to the belief that investing in employee development is a waste of resources.


As previously mentioned, Statista offers salaries that are well below the market average. The company's business model for the Hamburg HQ seems to focus on hiring mostly non-European graduates, offering them very low salaries. These employees are then heavily exploited, with a constant cycle of hiring new batches of non-European graduates once the previous ones leave. This approach has been openly explained to me by multiple lower-level managers.

Due to the low compensation, many talented individuals don’t even consider Statista as a viable employer, and motivated employees often leave quickly to secure 20%-40% higher salaries at other companies.

However, Statista is currently making an effort to analyze their salary grids, which is a positive step. Hopefully, this will lead to a realization of the need to offer more competitive salaries to attract and retain talented and motivated employees.

Social benefits at Statista are somewhat decent, with discounts on various products (such as a 20% discount on gym memberships) and a reduced rate for the German Public Transport ticket (Deutschlandticket).


Statista has an internal initiative driven by a group of sustainability-focused employees, aimed at promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental practices. Unfortunately, this great initiative is not taken seriously by management or the company at large. There are no sustainability practices in place—evidenced by the fact that even basic tasks like waste separation are not being implemented by office management. The company lacks any CSR policies and, despite having over 1,500 employees, there is no designated CSR officer. Employees have dedicated their free time to propose various CSR improvements, yet the company continues to neglect these efforts, showing little to no interest in driving meaningful change.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Statista has a notable number of long-term employees, particularly in the Sales department, and this can be largely attributed to the company's impressive bonus structure. Sales employees, even those with limited experience, have been able to earn six-figure salaries annually. These "top performers" are treated like "queens" and "kings" by management, which only reinforces their sense of entitlement. As a result, many display arrogance and resistance to process changes, creating a toxic environment. They offer little to no support to newer employees, driven by the fear that their "pieces of the cake" will be taken by others. This leads to a culture of competition and elbowing.


Lower management at Statista is largely composed of unqualified individuals, a direct result of the company’s failure to hire the right candidates, provide external training and professional development opportunities. Promotions are often based on personal favoritism rather than actual performance or skills, perpetuating office politics and fostering resentment among employees. The environment is rife with gossip and trash-talking about colleagues, even from management, while superficial positivity is used as a shallow attempt to boost morale. A significant restructure in Q3 2024 has further eroded trust, with employees now harboring complete mistrust in leadership. Although management denies that additional restructures are on the horizon, employees are convinced that further changes are inevitable.


The Hamburg office building, newly renovated in 2023, offers a prime location with plenty of lunch spots nearby, making it convenient for employees. The office is equipped with modern, up-to-standard technology, docking stations, and other essential tools. Social spaces and kitchens are well-appointed, with free coffee and a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. The office follows a flexible seating plan, where employees need to book their workspace in advance. Additionally, multiple telephone booths are available on each floor, providing private spaces for calls and meetings.


Management at Statista suffers from a lack of clear communication and vision, leaving employees uncertain about the company's direction. The excom seems primarily focused on making Statista lean and cost-efficient, seemingly with the goal of preparing it for a quick sale by the parent holding company. This short-term mindset leads to frequent and inconsistent strategy & tool changes, rolled out every quarter, which further disrupts workflows and erodes employee confidence in leadership.


One area where Statista excels is in its efforts toward Diversity & Inclusion. The company has established a dedicated working group that actively organizes various events and initiatives around this important topic. These efforts create opportunities for dialogue, awareness, and community-building among employees, showcasing a genuine commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace environment.

Interessante Aufgaben

For engaged and hardworking individuals, there is the potential to take on interesting tasks, even with minimal prior work experience. However, this comes with significant drawbacks. A large portion of the work I performed, during my time at Statista —an estimated 95%—ultimately felt pointless, as sudden changes in strategy or processes render much of it obsolete. Task allocation by lower management is seemingly random, with little consideration given to matching assignments with the actual skill sets of employees. This lack of structure and foresight not only wastes time but also undermines any sense of accomplishment or growth within the role.


3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich6Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Ein (organisatorischer) Change jagt den nächsten, ohne gute Führung

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Unfähiges Management toleriert Meinungsvielfalt nicht wirklich, macht Versprechen, die nicht eingehalten werden und unterbindet so Innovationsfreude. Die wertvollsten Mitarbeiter haben das Unternehmen bereits verlassen, bzw. wurden durch treue Gefolgschaft des neuen Managements ersetzt. Von modernem Leadership in einem (pseudo) agilen Umfeld ist hier keine Spur.


- Austausch des Managements.
- Ziele/Visionen und Strategien nachvollziehbar kommunizieren, sowie Entscheidungen zumindest kooperativ und transparent (und nicht in einem kleinen Inner-Circle) treffen, um diese dann den Teams vor die Füsse zu werfen.
- Agilität konsequent in der Kultur verankern (oder auch nicht), aber nicht die Teams zwischen operativen Managemententscheidungen, voller Roadmap und Pseudo-Selbstbestimmtheit aufreiben.
- Silokultur vermeiden, in der sich jedes Produktteam selbst das nächste ist.
- Wertschätzende Kommunikationskultur optimieren und verankern, sowie Vorschläge und Feedback ernst nehmen.
- Versprechen einhalten.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben

4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich6Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Liebe:r ehemalige Kolleg:in,

danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, uns dein Feedback mitzuteilen. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass deine Erfahrungen bei uns nicht deinen Erwartungen entsprochen haben.

Wir nehmen deine Kritikpunkte und Verbesserungsvorschläge ernst und arbeiten daran, unsere Kommunikation, Führung und Unternehmenskultur weiter zu verbessern.

Falls du noch weitere Anregungen hast, freuen wir uns, wenn du uns unter jobs@statista.com kontaktierst. Dein Feedback hilft uns, besser zu werden.

Alles Gute für deinen weiteren Weg!

Beste Grüße
Dein Team Talent Acquisition

Sehr viel im Umbruch, ist nicht mehr mit den Vorjahren zu vergleichen

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Flexibles Arbeiten.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Seit der großen Umstrukturierung und jetzt der kleineren fehlt das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl komplett.
Es ist nur ein Teil des Gebäudes barrierefrei.
Es werden nach und nach alle "Nice to Haves" gekürzt. Keine Kantine, Jobrad oder ähnliches. Es gibt nur 5 Parkplätze.


Externes Coaching für die Führungskräfte sollte wieder eingeführt werden. Es fehlt eine klare Kommunikation, wo es mit den einzelnen Produkten hingehen soll (ja, auch die Product Vision hat daran nichts geändert).


War mal sehr wertschätzend, in den letzten 12 Monaten vom upper management eher mit Misstrauen durchsetzt. Augenhöhe und Wertschätzung sieht anders aus.


Das Bild nach außen spiegelt nicht die Stimmung der Belegschaft wieder.


Ist gut, als Führungskraft natürlich schwieriger


Fast keine Möglichkeiten, sich intern nach oben zu entwickeln. Es wird gefühlt lieber von außen eingestellt, als vorhandendes Talent zu fördern.


Große Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Bereichen.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Umgang mit älteren Kolleg*innen ist wertschätzend/kein Unterschied zwischen jüngeren Kolleg*innen. Allerdings wird keine Wichtigkeit auf Betriebszugehörigkeit gelegt. Es werden teilweise Menschen entlassen (offiziell gibt es natürlich keine Kündigungen...), die seit über 10 Jahren dabei waren und es gibt nichtmal eine richtige Verabschiedung.


In den letzten 12 Monaten sehr hektisch, Prozesse werden ständig geändert und es ist nicht ausreichend Budget für Weiterbildungen oder vernünftige Tools da.


Sie bemühen sich, aber gleichzeitig werden unglaublich viele Absprachen in Kreisen getroffen, wo der Rest der Belegschaft keinen Zutritt hat.


Nicht jeder hat die gleiche Stimme.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Aufgaben sind abwechslungsreich, allerdings dauert es meistens Jahre, bis Dinge tatsächlich umgesetzt werden.




4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich7Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Liebe/r Kolleg:in,

vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, solch ausführliches Feedback zu geben. Wir schätzen Ihre Einblicke zu den jüngsten Veränderungen und verstehen, dass Umstrukturierungen das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl und die Atmosphäre beeinflussen können. Ihre Anregungen, insbesondere bezüglich externer Coachings und einer klareren Kommunikation zur Produktentwicklung, sind sehr wertvoll und werden berücksichtigt.

Unser Ziel ist es, ein unterstützendes und transparentes Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, und wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, die Kommunikation, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und das Mitarbeitererlebnis zu verbessern. Wenn Sie weitere Anmerkungen haben oder Interesse an einem tiefergehenden Austausch besteht, können Sie sich jederzeit gerne unter jobs@statista.com melden.

Beste Grüße,
Team Talent Acquisition

A good place to start your career in Germany

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2018 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Statista gearbeitet.


Don't reward work with more work, reward with recognition and proper salary. Be transparent but your upper management needs to work on communication. You are losing good people but you don't care cause in your eyes everyone is replaceable.


Varies from team to team


The company has a great reputation but people are increasingly talking about the problems mentioned above


Got much better during COVID-19, especially for members with family abroad. New management is also changing this benefit


In-house courses are terrible, no option for further development financed by the company.


Low low salaries


The best thing here


This is a big issue. People are promoted based on their relationship with managers not ideas or qualifications. You say yes yo everything, you are team lead material. Dare to speak up they will cancel you.


New upper management has changed the tone and not for the better


Colleagues from all backgrounds. No diversity in management, all white, mostly German, and the higher the maler.

Interessante Aufgaben

It is as interesting as you make it, over time opportunities get rare


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear former colleague,

Thank you for your feedback. We value your insights and are actively working to improve in areas like communication, employee recognition, and diversity in leadership. Our goal is to foster a more transparent and supportive culture across all teams, with enhanced career development opportunities.

In case you have concrete feedback regarding our internal trainings: we believe in longlife learning. Therefore please do not hesitate to contact us/our L&D Team for a direct feedback.

We appreciate your time and wish you all the best in your future career.

Best regards,
Team Talent Acquisition

Good Teams, but Poor Management and HR Practices

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great team collaboration and strong technical leadership in some teams.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Inflexible HR policies and the discouraging approach to salary negotiations.
- The move towards less flexibility (reducing home-office).
- Mediocre salaries.
- No clear growth paths / opportunies
- Too much focus on organization chart.


Improve salaries, transparency and inter-team collaboration. HR should adopt more flexible policies that support rather than hinder employees. The new management should increase the salaries and stop the threats (the kind of "if you don't like the salary, find another job").


The working atmosphere within the team is supportive and collaborative. However, the overall company culture is hampered by poor inter-team communication and a lack of transparency. It is definitely getting worse here.


The company has a mixed image, internally positive but often overshadowed by leadership's approach to employee relations.


Work-life balance is adequate, but more flexibility from HR would greatly improve it. However, they are becoming more and more strict.


There are some opportunities for career advancement, but they are unclear and very limited despite a lot of talk about a skills matrix and well defined promotion steps.
The company markets what is called Statista University but it is nothing more than a few tutorials on Excel and how to write emails.


Salaries are mediocre and efforts to negotiate better pay are often met with resistance and threats from the new leadership.


The company shows some awareness of environmental and social issues but could do more to integrate these values into daily operations.


There is good cohesion among colleagues within my team, which helps in achieving our goals and maintaining a positive work environment.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is respectful and supportive interaction with older colleagues.


Direct management is supportive and technically proficient. However, higher management discourages salary negotiations and uses misleading comparisons.


Working conditions are decent but could benefit from improved inter-departmental collaboration and better HR policies (which are unfortunately worsening).


The company with the new leadership became aggressive in its communication which led to similar behavior from some employees. Communication is strong within individual teams but lacks effectiveness across different teams, leading to silos and inefficiencies.


The company promotes equality and diversity well.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks are engaging and offer opportunities for technical growth.

6Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich12Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear colleague,

Thank you for taking the time to provide your detailed feedback. We’re glad to hear that you value the team collaboration and the technical leadership within your team. However, we regret that your experience with management and HR practices has been less positive.

Your concerns about inflexible HR policies, salary negotiations, and the lack of growth opportunities are important points that we take seriously. We will review your feedback internally, especially regarding transparency and the need for improved inter-team communication and collaboration.

We appreciate your suggestions for improvement, and we will continue working on making our policies more supportive of employees’ needs. If you have further insights, feel free to reach out to us directly at jobs@statista.com.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we wish you continued success in your role.

Kind regards,
Team Talent Acquisition

Things have changed, but not for the better

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The ongoing restructuring is creating an environment of uncertainty. Communication from leadership, once clear and transparent, has become vague and inconsistent. While the company has repeatedly assured employees that there would be no layoffs, this is unfortunately not reflected in reality. Colleagues have been quietly dismissed without any formal acknowledgment, which has left remaining employees feeling both anxious and mistrustful.

Another issue is the promise of positive reference letters for departing employees. The reference letters that employees receive describe their work as "very good" but are poorly written and inaccurately describe their roles. This is disheartening, unprofessional, and shows both a lack of respect/support from the company and the supervisor towards the departing employee.

Furthermore, employees who no longer fit into the new company structure but who are otherwise highly qualified are being pushed out rather than reassigned to more appropriate roles.

During the transitional phase of our department, my role was not yet clearly defined. When I asked what I would be doing in the new structure, I was told that "we're building a ship together" and we will figure it out as we go along. Inwardly, I was concerned, because even shipbuilders have a plan about who does what before the ship is built. As time went on and my responsibilities were still not defined, I again asked my supervisor what I was supposed to be doing. My supervisor suggested we meet with HR to talk about this. I did my own research, spoke with several colleagues in other departments, spoke to the Change Management team, and came prepared with solutions and suggestions. However, the meeting turned out to be a one-sided discussion in which I was told that I would be let go because I was "unhappy at the company." To be fed a narrative that placed the blame on me felt unfair and insulting. I would have preferred the truth -- that the new structure did not have a place for my former role.

All in all, most of the Statista employees I knew and worked with personally were highly ambitious while remaining
self-aware, kind, and team-oriented. Unfortunately, at the upper-management levels, the mindset appears to have shifted to a power struggle and battle of the egos. Many decision-making processes and their execution leave MUCH to be desired.


7Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich12Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear former colleague,

Thank you for sharing your detailed and candid feedback. We deeply regret that your experience at Statista, particularly during the restructuring phase, was so negative. Your concerns about communication, transparency, and the handling of layoffs are serious issues, and it is disappointing to hear that these aspects have led to an environment of mistrust and uncertainty. We understand that this is not the standard we strive for.

Your feedback regarding reference letters is also concerning, and we apologize if this process did not reflect the respect and professionalism you deserved. We will address this internally to ensure that departing employees receive accurate and fair acknowledgment of their contributions.

It's especially unfortunate to hear about your experience with the lack of clarity around your role and the conversation with your supervisor. We understand how frustrating and disheartening it must have been to feel unsupported during such a critical transition. We will take this feedback to heart as we work to improve both our communication and support systems for employees during times of change.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Kind regards,
Team Talent Acquisition

Promises of change are never fulfilled, employees are underpaid and underappreciated

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The colleagues, the location of the offices, the fact that it isn't a totally corporate vibe in the office, opportunities to work from home, occasionally working with interesting clients.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Disrespectful tone from upper management, lack of benefits, below-market rate salaries, lack of career growth opportunities; the fact that although the company benefits from its diverse image, it will always be exclusively run at the upper management level by Germans with no idea of the challenges which foreigners face in life and work in this country.


Finally, raise salaries to an appropriate level. You have people with masters degrees, with previous professional experience, speaking several languages, and then you offer then a junior role with a 32k salary to live in cities with average rents of 1.5k+. It's a total joke.


One of the highlights of working for Statista is that your colleagues will generally be nice, friendly, and smart. It's a pleasure to work with them and this is what makes the job bearable. On the other hand, work morale has been gradually declining among everyone in the company, and this can have a negative effect on your daily life, especially when management does nothing to counter it.


It's well known in Germany, but most people who understand business don't see how the business model will ever be a success.


Work life balance is honestly pretty good - little to no overtime, work from home 2 to 3 days a week if you want it, managers are understanding about other commitments. Minus one star because of the work from abroad policy getting stricter recently.


At the end of the day, as much as Statista might try to cultivate its image as a modern company, the values of this company are nothing beyond turning a profit. With clients in industries such as oil and gas, I doubt whatever social awareness credentials they claim to have matter at all.


Maybe a good place if you need to get a start in your career in Germany, but there are not many great prospects for building your skills within the company.


The day to day relationship with colleagues is what keeps me coming into work.


The C-level has become disrespectful and dishonest to the workers who keep this company running.


Nice enough offices in the city center, full work from home setup, coffee, sometimes fruit and extra treats. But no additional benefits.


Communication between colleagues is always fine, but the communication from management is terrible since the management changeover at the beginning of the year. They act as if holding pointless Q&A sessions where they avoid giving a straight answer and use fancy presentations to dodge having to talk about difficult subjects is equivalent to actually being honest to us. The CEO's arrogant and disrespectful tone has not made him many friends in the lower levels of the company.


The salary is below market level and has been so for a long time. The inflation crisis following the pandemic made this worse, with many colleagues living paycheck to paycheck, as the offices are in two of the most expensive cities in Germany. Salary progression is super slow and they'll find any excuse to not have to make adjustments, while always promising that elusive day when they will raise salaries to market levels.

Interessante Aufgaben

The work is fine for a while, but after 6 months to one year after being in your role, it will become extremely mundane. After this it's a grind to keep doing the same things, with little progression to new or more interesting tasks.

6Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich10Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear colleague,

Thank you for your detailed and honest feedback. We are truly sorry to hear about the negative experiences you've had, especially regarding management behavior, salary levels, and the lack of career growth opportunities. Your points about fair compensation and transparent communication are taken very seriously, and we will address these internally.

We are glad to hear that you value the collaboration with your colleagues and the work-life balance – these are important aspects to us as well, and we are committed to maintaining them.

If you have any further comments or specific suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at jobs@statista.com. We greatly appreciate your feedback and will continue working to improve.

Kind regards,
Team Talent Acquisition

Unternehmenskultur verschlechtert sich enorm :(

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.










Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben

5Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich9Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Liebe:r Kolleg:in,

vielen Dank für dein offenes Feedback. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass du eine Verschlechterung der Unternehmenskultur wahrgenommen hast. Deine Anmerkung zur Transparenz in der Kommunikation nehmen wir sehr ernst und werden dies intern besprechen, um hier Verbesserungen zu erzielen.

Falls du weitere Vorschläge oder konkrete Ideen hast, freuen wir uns, wenn du uns direkt unter jobs@statista.com kontaktierst. Wir schätzen dein Feedback und arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, uns zu verbessern.

Herzliche Grüße
Team Talent Acquisition

Statista is currently undergoing a huge reorganization phase which is leading to a negative culture shift

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2024 bei Statista gearbeitet.


Last year the work environment was just great but since a lot of restructuring and reorganization is going on there is huge uncertainty for the employees. Things were getting harder and in my opinion how employees are treated and informed about changes was leading to a working environment were people are not happy anymore.


There was always a good work-life-balance. In some departments or teams flexible working hours or working from home is not appreciated and therefore not flexible like promised.


Even if there is a lot of change I had the feeling that colleagues still work together in a respectful way


In some departments and teams the way leadership works is changing from self-organized work to micromanaging, which is really sad. Back in the days it was a great working environment in terms of new work


Communication, which was previously clear and transparent, has now become unclear and inconsistent. Although the company has frequently promised that there would be no layoffs, this has not been the case in practice. Employees have been quietly let go without any formal notice, leading to increased anxiety and distrust among those who remain. They said that they would find other opportunities for the employees in the company but a lot of times this lead to being pushed out rather to find new roles for highly qualified people.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben

7Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich13Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen



Dear former colleague,

Thank you for your honest feedback. We regret that your experience during the reorganization phase at Statista did not meet your expectations. Change can indeed be challenging, and we understand that this period has brought uncertainty. We take your concerns about communication and the resulting issues seriously, as transparency and respectful communication are top priorities for us.

We are sorry to hear that the trust and clarity you experienced before have diminished, and we are committed to improving this. It is important to us that all employees feel secure and valued in their roles, and we are working on finding new ways to support and promote talent within the company during this transition.

We are pleased to hear that, despite the challenges, you still found the team spirit and work-life balance to be positive aspects. Both are core elements of our company culture, and we aim to maintain these values moving forward.

If you have any further comments or suggestions, we would be happy to hear from you at jobs@statista.com. We wish you all the best for the future and thank you once again for sharing your candid feedback.

Kind regards,
Team Talent Acquisition

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 413 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Statista durchschnittlich mit 3,8 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Internet (4,1 Punkte). 72% der Bewertenden würden Statista als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 413 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Gleichberechtigung und Umgang mit älteren Kollegen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 413 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Statista als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Gehalt/Sozialleistungen noch verbessern kann.