296 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
207 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 80 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Flexibel und Vielseitig
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Privatleben und Beruf lässt sich optimal vereinbaren. Ich bin super flexibel in meinen Aufgabe und die Absprache im Team klappt super, meine direkte Führungskraft ist eine wertvolle Unterstützung.
Die Manager (C-Level, bewusst nicht gegendert) könnten sich etwas empathischer zeigen. Zwar sind wie ein zahlengetriebenes Unternehmen, aber hier und da fühlen sich Meetings etwas unpersönlich und harsch an. Als wären nur Zahlen wichtig. Manchmal wird scheinbar vergessen, dass wir als Unternehmen in sehr kurzer Zeit sehr schnell gewachsen sind und besonders für die Leute, die schon länger dabei sind, ist dieser change in tone ungewohnt und unbequem. Vergesst nicht, dass viele Leute hier ihren Job lieben und Statista mehr als nur ein Arbeitgeber für sie ist.
vielen Dank für dein ehrliches Feedback! Es freut uns, dass du die Flexibilität, Teamarbeit und Unterstützung durch deine Führungskraft so positiv hervorhebst.
Gleichzeitig nehmen wir deine Anmerkung zur Kommunikation auf Führungsebene ernst. Gerade in einem schnell wachsenden Unternehmen ist es wichtig, dass Menschlichkeit und Empathie nicht verloren gehen.
Falls du weitere Anregungen teilen möchtest, melde dich gerne unter jobs@statista.com.
Schön, dass du Teil von Statista bist!
Liebe Grüße, Team Talent Acquisition
Für einige Jahre absolut ok - Seit Wechsel der Führungsebene aber durchaus im Abwärtstrend
Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Ok wenn man mal für 2-3 Jahre einen entspannten Job sucht. Wer was lernen oder Karriere machen will, sucht sich lieber eine professionellere Firma
vielen Dank für dein ehrliches Feedback. Es freut uns, dass du Statista über mehrere Jahre als positiven Arbeitgeber wahrgenommen hast. Gleichzeitig nehmen wir deine Kritikpunkte, besonders zur Karriereentwicklung und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten, ernst.
Wir möchten unser Arbeitsumfeld stetig verbessern und freuen uns, wenn du konkrete Anregungen mit uns teilst – gerne direkt unter jobs@statista.com.
Vielen Dank, dass du Teil von Statista bist!
Liebe Grüße, Team Talent Acquisition
No one, in their right mind would rate over 3
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Employees: you are the heart of this company.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
So many leaders are power tripping, do not penalize people for speaking out. Listen, learn, and improve!
Put people in charge that are competent AND CARE!! Stop rating your own company, it absolutely shows that it is to improve your own score.
When I joined there was a common purpose everyone was motivated to contribute to. When I left the atmosphere was getting heavier by the day. Like I read in a previous comment, there was an increasing feeling of competing against others within the team, the department, and the company. This hostile environment has been increasing due to lack of clear mission and vision, lack of development opportunities, and favoring certain people for leadership positions based on friendships and not competences.
The company has a very good reputation abroad. It shows that some people are working like crazy to build something they are proud of, regardless of how hard it is atm.
During and after COVID-19 this was for many THE biggest pro. Flexible working hours, wfh, possibility to work from abroad for those with family overseas. But the new management came to change policies for stricter office presence and suddenly changed the work abroad policies making those who had used that time in the last years unable to do this for some time. The increasing lack of flexibility took away the only remaining interesting benefit.
No real father education support. Internal courses that are useless.
They try to convince you your pay is not that low. It is.
Picking and choosing which causes are ok to support and cover content wise. One day they say they are not a news outlet to cover conflicts, the other they are making full reports on another less controversial conflict.
Increase tension. Most people I know there are amazing humans and professionals but the toxic and incompetent leaders are draining their souls and only stay due to the need.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Stay too long and you will stay stuck there.
They say people don't leave jobs, hey leave bad leaders. Completely accurate. That is what happens when promoting your friend, or the person that you personally like most, not the right person for the job with actual leadership skills. You see this across teams, and èmployees are increasingly frustrated.
The offices are well equipped, nothing to say about that.
Disastrous management communication. The new management came to show externally a positive image of the company while taking their employees for granted and treating adults asking for fair wages as children.
People from various backgrounds, this is the best. However, the higher up, the less diversity. Higher management has like 2 women, white and Germans. That is it. They openly day it's ok to higher white people from Hamburg. Funny enough, you have a team dedicated to APAC content and the team leads are white Germans, cause even when it comes to regional knowledge Germans know better and are more qualified to. Born natural leaders it seems.
Interessante Aufgaben
Interesting in the first 2 years, then repetitive and little to no growth opportunities.
2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Dear former colleague,
Thank you for your detailed and honest feedback. We truly appreciate your recognition of our employees as the heart of Statista.
At the same time, we take your critical points seriously, especially regarding leadership, communication, and career development opportunities. Your feedback highlights areas where we must improve, and we are actively working on creating a more transparent and supportive work environment.
We regret that your experience did not meet your expectations, and we sincerely thank you for your contributions during your time with us. If you would like to share further insights, please feel free to reach out to us at jobs@statista.com.
We wish you all the best for your future career.
Best regards, Team Talent Acquisition
Früher war mehr mITeinander - und alles besser
Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Statista gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- das Produkt - in Teilen die Firmenkultur (z.B. Events, Diversität)
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Herunterwirtschaftung von Product & IT - Management
- tauscht das Management aus - klare Vision - Vorstellungskraft wann neue Lösungen wirklich live gehen sollen
ständige Umstrukturierungen, zuerst waren ITler die Leads, dann Produktmanager, jetzt wieder andere. Früher haben wir zusammen gearbeitet, dann ein wenig gegeneinander um das größte Stück vom Kuchen zu bekommen - jetzt ist es neue Mitarbeiter gegen alte und alle gegeneinander
das hat sich verbessert - allerdings für die Firma zu Kosten der Effizenz
für ITler eher solala, ausser man hat vorher bei XING gearbeitet, dann ist alles möglich
hinterhältige Aktionen, jeder gegen jeden, vor allem neue Mitarbeiter, die von XING reingeholt wurden, gegen alte Mitarbeiter, die die ganze Maschinerie am Leben halten
de-facto in der Zwischenzeit nicht mehr vorhanden. Ansagen von Management dass PHPler sich einen neuen Job suchen sollten vor 2 Jahren - bislang halten die noch immer alles zusammen
unterirdisch, Veddernwirtschaft des Managements
Interessante Aufgaben
den Laden am Laufen halten, interessante Aufgaben gibt es auch - nur merkt niemand dass die Puzzle-Teile auch zusammen gefügt werden müssen. Und das bekommt niemand auf die Reihe.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Liebe:r Kolleg:in,
vielen Dank für dein ehrliches und ausführliches Feedback. Es freut uns, dass du unser Produkt und Aspekte unserer Firmenkultur positiv hervorhebst. Gleichzeitig nehmen wir deine Kritikpunkte zu IT, Management und Zusammenarbeit sehr ernst.
Wir wissen, dass Umstrukturierungen herausfordernd sind, und dein Feedback zeigt uns, wo wir ansetzen müssen – insbesondere in den Bereichen Kommunikation, Teamkultur und Führung.
Falls du deine Anregungen weiter vertiefen möchtest, freuen wir uns über eine Nachricht an jobs@statista.com.
Danke, dass du Teil unseres Teams bist und uns mit deiner Rückmeldung hilfst, besser zu werden.
Liebe Grüße, Team Talent Acquisition
From a great workplace to a demotivating environment
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I worked at Statista for several years and, for the most part, had a great time. There was plenty of creative freedom, lots of opportunities to learn, and I was able to grow both personally and professionally. Sure, there were always some challenges with project priorities, but overall, the company felt stable and secure. The central location, flexible working hours, and solid technical equipment were definite highlights. The IT service team was awesome – super helpful and solution-oriented. Plus, the colleagues were talented, supportive, and just great to work with.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Things started going downhill when the founders stepped back, and new management came in. The atmosphere changed, and not in a good way. There were constant changes – entire structures were reworked, teams were reassigned without any input, and communication was just handed off to team leads.
A lot of employees were laid off through “mutual agreements,” though management avoided calling them layoffs because people technically signed off on them. Unfortunately, many weren’t even offered fair compensation. Projects were launched under pressure with no clear goals, only to be stopped or forgotten later. This constant cycle left many employees feeling completely demotivated.
On top of that, directors didn’t back their teams at all. They left everything to the team leads, expecting them to keep morale high, even when their hands were tied. Nobody wanted to listen to feedback, instead some superios made fun of it.
- Be more transparent and communicate directly with employees. - Start projects with clear goals and realistic plans – don’t just stop and abandon them halfway through. - Treat employees fairly, especially during layoffs and offer decent compensation. - Empower team leads to actually support their teams instead of just passing down decisions. - Focus on rebuilding trust and motivation among employees by valuing their contributions and addressing the issues caused by all the recent changes. Unfortunately, with the way things are going and how employees are being treated, I can’t recommend Statista as a good place to work anymore. - Stop bringing in so-called "high performers," who are often male, talk a lot without real expertise, put unnecessary pressure on teams, and, most importantly, never take responsibility when they significantly overstep..
3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich5Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Dear former colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed experience with us. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed many positive years at Statista and were able to grow both personally and professionally.
At the same time, we take your critical feedback very seriously. We understand that organizational changes can be challenging, and your comments about transparency, leadership, and team culture are valuable for us to address and improve.
We sincerely thank you for your contributions during your time with us and wish you all the best for your future career. If you would like to share further insights, feel free to reach out to us at jobs@statista.com.
Best regards, Team Talent Acquisition
Tech-Mittelstand mit Wachstumsschmerzen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Schlechte Laune seit die Gründer sich zurückgezogen haben
Ein Unternehmen im Wachstum ist immer spannend, Außenwirkung ist besser als interne Wahrnehmung
Ausgeglichene und flexible Gestaltung der eigenen Arbeitszeit
Unklare Chancen, Entwicklungen werden zum Teil blockiert
Gutes Mittelmaß
Viele kulturelle Angebot, inklusive Veranstaltungen, Umweltbewusstsein ausbaufähig
Sehr starker Zusammenhalt in den Teams
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Durchschnittsalter ca. 31, also schwer zu bewerten.
Je nach Bereich sehr gut oder mangelhaft, viel Druck und unklare Entwicklungschancen
Gute Büroausstattung, modern, viele Benefits vor Ort
Intransparente Kommunikation zur Hirings / Firings (auch von langjährigen Mitarbeitenden)
Sehr inklusiv und respektvoll
Interessante Aufgaben
Aufgrund eines neuen, nicht ausgereiften OKR Prozesses schwankende Prioritäten, stark abhängig von Bereich / Projekt
vielen Dank für Ihr ehrliches Feedback. Es freut uns, dass Sie den Teamzusammenhalt, die flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und unsere moderne Büroausstattung positiv hervorheben.
Gleichzeitig nehmen wir Ihre Kritikpunkte, wie Intransparenz, Druck in manchen Teams und unklare Entwicklungschancen, ernst. Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, unsere Kommunikations- und Führungsprozesse zu verbessern und Karrierewege transparenter zu gestalten.
Falls Sie Ihre Anregungen vertiefen möchten, melden Sie sich gerne unter jobs@statista.com.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Teil von Statista sind!
Beste Grüße, Team Talent Acquisition
Permanent stress, underpayment and lack of appreciation
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Home Office, flexible working hours, modern office, international environment.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Way too much stress compared to the low salary you get. They talk about transparency but they are not really transparent, when it comes to salaries or important decisions, concerning employees and the whole company. Less trust and freedom, individuals could be supported better by supervisors.
Don’t underpay and underappreciate your employees and expect them to deal with stress and too many tasks at the same time. To retain qualified and hard working employees in the long term, higher salaries and development possibilities should be offered.
Employees are constantly stressed and have a high level of pressure to fulfil their goals and daily tasks. This is due to the high turnover rate and staff shortages in almost every team.
The best thing about the company was the opportunity to work from home and the flexible working hours.
Low salary compared to the high cost of living in Hamburg. Bonus payments are often insecure and low. A small subsidy is provided for the local transportation ticket.
Really depends on the team. Most colleagues are really nice and helpful.
Mostly honest feedback, but supervisors have often unrealistic expectations of employees, which leads to stress and illness of employees. Little integration in decision-making, lack of trust from management and lack of appreciation.
Modern office with height-adjustable desks, dual monitors, and various meeting rooms or spaces for phone calls. You also can order a monitor screen to work from home. There are kitchens on every floor and you can get coffee, tea, cereal and fruits for free.
There are weekly and monthly meetings and feedback talks with team leads and direct supervisors. But feedback is mostly welcomed from one side. There is often no time for suggestions for change or improvement. Too many unnecessary meetings and an environment of toxic positivity where you’re not allowed to be stressed. However there are no methods in place for stress management from the supervisors.
Diverse and international teams.
Interessante Aufgaben
No meaningful or interesting tasks.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Dear former colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. We are sorry to hear that your experience at Statista did not meet your expectations.
We understand that stress, workload, and compensation are crucial aspects of job satisfaction. Your feedback about transparency, leadership support, and salary structure is very important to us. We continuously review and adjust our internal processes, including compensation models and development opportunities, to retain and support our talent in the long term.
We are aware that the fast-paced environment in sales can be challenging. We are working on improving workload management and stress management measures to create a more balanced atmosphere. Additionally, we are committed to promoting open dialogue between employees and supervisors to ensure that feedback is heard and implemented.
It’s great to hear that you appreciated our home office options, flexible hours, and international environment. We will continue to build on these strengths while addressing areas where improvement is needed.
We thank you again for your contribution during your time at Statista and wish you all the best for your future career.
Best regards, Team Talent Acquisition
A diverse and relatively worker friendly company
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Reasonable amount of vacation days (cannot take them into the next year though), high home-office flexibility as well as flexibel working times and good load-control from superiors.
Internal Training opportunities are available and being reworked, however i havent found a single useful course yet. The Budget for Extertal Trainings is limited. Lately it seems like efforts are being made to appreciate employees more and also bind them long-term. There are however also examples of high skilled and experienced colleagues being pushed out as their roles were not fitting with New structures anymore.
The wage is definitely only average at best, but at least there are quick opportunities for career advancement.
Really good on low-level direct Management, higher Management lacks transparency.
The newly renovated offices are a good place to work and reflect current developments in the working culture. The company provides you with a home office setup which is really nice as well. Well equipped kitchens and amenities can also be found everywhere. Theres free snacks, drinks (huge selection) and fruits available.
The regular Townhalls on all organisational levels help keeping everyone up-to-date on all important matters. However, with the current restructuring going on, the top-down communication, while increasing in quantity, feels shallow, especially the higher up the level. (Big Ups for the HR Q+As, down for product all hands, which most often have a weird Focus and just so manage to not specifically answer pressing questions from colleagues by beating around the bush).
Thank you very much for your feedback! We are glad that you are overall happy with Statista as an employer. We really appreciate your comments and suggestions, which help us to develop and improve. Thank you for taking the time to share your thought with us!
Best regards Statista Talent Acquistion
Dieser Kommentar bezieht sich auf eine frühere Version der Bewertung.
Leaving the sinking ship - Recommended to not start at this company!
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Statista’s workplace culture leaves much to be desired. Employee appreciation often feels superficial, exemplified by "pizza parties" as a token of gratitude. There is a pervasive mistrust between management and employees, creating a tense and toxic work environment. Hardworking employees are "rewarded" with more tasks instead of meaningful recognition, with no budget allocated for professional development (e.g., external courses) and salary grids that fall far below market value. Office politics often take precedence over actual productivity, and unprofessional behavior from management, such as openly trashing about (current & former) employees, is disturbingly normalized.
The ongoing restructuring has led to a complete breakdown of trust in management and the company. Layoffs have become routine, and in recent weeks, increasing numbers of employees are choosing to resign on their own. Conversations among staff typically revolve around complaints about the inefficient management decisions, low salaries, and inadequate social benefits.
The only positive aspect of working at Statista is the work-life balance.
However, this exists largely because the company pays salaries significantly below the market average for all roles. As a result, lower management is reluctant to let employees go, knowing it would be nearly impossible to find replacements willing to work for such low compensation. This creates a work environment where minimal effort is the norm. Teams rarely put effort into optimizing processes, and over-performing is viewed as odd or unnecessary. In fact, employees who put in extra effort are often mocked by their peers for "working too much."
If you're looking for a laid-back job where expectations are low and the workload is light, Statista might be the perfect fit for you.
Statista offers internal training on a variety of topics, from basic business administration to advanced Excel courses. While these programs can be seen as a "nice to have," they represent the bare minimum a company can do for career development. Statista does not provide personalized learning budgets, which would allow employees to choose courses that align with their individual interests and career goals. Additionally, there is no employee access to popular platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or LinkedIn Learning. The company appears to view career development as unimportant, likely due to the high employee turnover rate, which leads to the belief that investing in employee development is a waste of resources.
As previously mentioned, Statista offers salaries that are well below the market average. The company's business model for the Hamburg HQ seems to focus on hiring mostly non-European graduates, offering them very low salaries. These employees are then heavily exploited, with a constant cycle of hiring new batches of non-European graduates once the previous ones leave. This approach has been openly explained to me by multiple lower-level managers.
Due to the low compensation, many talented individuals don’t even consider Statista as a viable employer, and motivated employees often leave quickly to secure 20%-40% higher salaries at other companies.
However, Statista is currently making an effort to analyze their salary grids, which is a positive step. Hopefully, this will lead to a realization of the need to offer more competitive salaries to attract and retain talented and motivated employees.
Social benefits at Statista are somewhat decent, with discounts on various products (such as a 20% discount on gym memberships) and a reduced rate for the German Public Transport ticket (Deutschlandticket).
Statista has an internal initiative driven by a group of sustainability-focused employees, aimed at promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental practices. Unfortunately, this great initiative is not taken seriously by management or the company at large. There are no sustainability practices in place—evidenced by the fact that even basic tasks like waste separation are not being implemented by office management. The company lacks any CSR policies and, despite having over 1,500 employees, there is no designated CSR officer. Employees have dedicated their free time to propose various CSR improvements, yet the company continues to neglect these efforts, showing little to no interest in driving meaningful change.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Statista has a notable number of long-term employees, particularly in the Sales department, and this can be largely attributed to the company's impressive bonus structure. Sales employees, even those with limited experience, have been able to earn six-figure salaries annually. These "top performers" are treated like "queens" and "kings" by management, which only reinforces their sense of entitlement. As a result, many display arrogance and resistance to process changes, creating a toxic environment. They offer little to no support to newer employees, driven by the fear that their "pieces of the cake" will be taken by others. This leads to a culture of competition and elbowing.
Lower management at Statista is largely composed of unqualified individuals, a direct result of the company’s failure to hire the right candidates, provide external training and professional development opportunities. Promotions are often based on personal favoritism rather than actual performance or skills, perpetuating office politics and fostering resentment among employees. The environment is rife with gossip and trash-talking about colleagues, even from management, while superficial positivity is used as a shallow attempt to boost morale. A significant restructure in Q3 2024 has further eroded trust, with employees now harboring complete mistrust in leadership. Although management denies that additional restructures are on the horizon, employees are convinced that further changes are inevitable.
The Hamburg office building, newly renovated in 2023, offers a prime location with plenty of lunch spots nearby, making it convenient for employees. The office is equipped with modern, up-to-standard technology, docking stations, and other essential tools. Social spaces and kitchens are well-appointed, with free coffee and a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. The office follows a flexible seating plan, where employees need to book their workspace in advance. Additionally, multiple telephone booths are available on each floor, providing private spaces for calls and meetings.
Management at Statista suffers from a lack of clear communication and vision, leaving employees uncertain about the company's direction. The excom seems primarily focused on making Statista lean and cost-efficient, seemingly with the goal of preparing it for a quick sale by the parent holding company. This short-term mindset leads to frequent and inconsistent strategy & tool changes, rolled out every quarter, which further disrupts workflows and erodes employee confidence in leadership.
One area where Statista excels is in its efforts toward Diversity & Inclusion. The company has established a dedicated working group that actively organizes various events and initiatives around this important topic. These efforts create opportunities for dialogue, awareness, and community-building among employees, showcasing a genuine commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace environment.
Interessante Aufgaben
For engaged and hardworking individuals, there is the potential to take on interesting tasks, even with minimal prior work experience. However, this comes with significant drawbacks. A large portion of the work I performed, during my time at Statista —an estimated 95%—ultimately felt pointless, as sudden changes in strategy or processes render much of it obsolete. Task allocation by lower management is seemingly random, with little consideration given to matching assignments with the actual skill sets of employees. This lack of structure and foresight not only wastes time but also undermines any sense of accomplishment or growth within the role.
3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich8Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Dear former colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. We are glad to hear that you appreciated aspects such as our Diversity & Inclusion efforts, modern office environment, and social benefits.
At the same time, we take your critical points seriously, especially those regarding leadership, communication, and career development. Your feedback highlights areas where we must do better, and we are committed to improving transparency, fostering a positive work environment, and offering better growth opportunities.
We deeply value the contributions of our employees and understand the importance of listening and learning from experiences like yours. If you would like to share further insights, please feel free to reach out to us at jobs@statista.com.
Thank you for your time at Statista. We wish you all the best for your future career.
Best regards, Team Talent Acquisition
Ein (organisatorischer) Change jagt den nächsten, ohne gute Führung
Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Statista GmbH gearbeitet.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Unfähiges Management toleriert Meinungsvielfalt nicht wirklich, macht Versprechen, die nicht eingehalten werden und unterbindet so Innovationsfreude. Die wertvollsten Mitarbeiter haben das Unternehmen bereits verlassen, bzw. wurden durch treue Gefolgschaft des neuen Managements ersetzt. Von modernem Leadership in einem (pseudo) agilen Umfeld ist hier keine Spur.
- Austausch des Managements. - Ziele/Visionen und Strategien nachvollziehbar kommunizieren, sowie Entscheidungen zumindest kooperativ und transparent (und nicht in einem kleinen Inner-Circle) treffen, um diese dann den Teams vor die Füsse zu werfen. - Agilität konsequent in der Kultur verankern (oder auch nicht), aber nicht die Teams zwischen operativen Managemententscheidungen, voller Roadmap und Pseudo-Selbstbestimmtheit aufreiben. - Silokultur vermeiden, in der sich jedes Produktteam selbst das nächste ist. - Wertschätzende Kommunikationskultur optimieren und verankern, sowie Vorschläge und Feedback ernst nehmen. - Versprechen einhalten.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Interessante Aufgaben
4Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich8Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Liebe:r ehemalige Kolleg:in,
danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, uns dein Feedback mitzuteilen. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass deine Erfahrungen bei uns nicht deinen Erwartungen entsprochen haben.
Wir nehmen deine Kritikpunkte und Verbesserungsvorschläge ernst und arbeiten daran, unsere Kommunikation, Führung und Unternehmenskultur weiter zu verbessern.
Falls du noch weitere Anregungen hast, freuen wir uns, wenn du uns unter jobs@statista.com kontaktierst. Dein Feedback hilft uns, besser zu werden.
Basierend auf 431 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Statista durchschnittlich mit 3,7 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Internet (4,1 Punkte). 68% der Bewertenden würden Statista als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Ausgehend von 431 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Gleichberechtigung und Umgang mit älteren Kollegen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 431 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Statista als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Gehalt/Sozialleistungen noch verbessern kann.