162 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
162 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
154 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
162 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
154 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Work-Life-Balance - Home Office Vertrag
Offene Kultur und Kommunikation.
Prozesse ähnlich wie in einem Start up noch nicht ganz eingespielt und haben Luft nach oben.
Als chinesisches Unternehmen ein zu Unrecht schwieriges Image als Arbeitgeber.
The office is clean and fully equipped
Very friendly colleagues
The communication is good. English is spoken mostly by colleagues
HR always has an open ear for its employees.
More budget for further education for those who are willing to learn something new would be great. Individual solutions with focus on our core business help to progress the whole organisation.
I haven’t taken any career progress unfortunately since a started which is a long while back. I hope I can take some measures soon.
Somehow it was a very long process to top up working hours.
We are doing lots of CSR activities already but can do more
We do not have so many “older”
Colleagues as we are not an “old” company. Sungrow Germany is younger than 15 years old.
The meeting rooms and work places capacities are too small currently.
Tasks and projects change frequentlyc it never gets boring. I have a lot of freedom in my KPIs and get appreciated for my work.
Tatsächlich nichts
Ein wenig strukturierter bei Abläufe sein
Die Möglichkeit sich frei zu entfalten und auch kritische Äußerungen werden geschätzt.
Die Sinnhaftigkeit der Arbeit.
Die Möglichkeit sich auch innerhalb der Firma zu verändern.
Es herrscht grundsätzlich eine freundliche und offene Atmosphäre
Liegt an einem selbst. Möglichkeiten sind gegeben
Grundsätzlich absolut top
In unserer Abteilung absolut top
Es gibt eine Recht gute Kommunikation
The employee involvement in the setting of the KPI's. The extra benefits for employees and the great onboarding system.
Communication training for leaders and managers, and performance based career advancements.
The managers acknowledge good work of their teams. However due to a lack of communication there's no sense of trust within the company.
The image of the company amongst employees is rather average. I think the lack of communication can often result in frustration.
A fair amount of 30 days annual leave are offered which can always be taken. There is no pressure of staying until late in the office amongst employees and individual private situations are always considered.
Trainings or further education are not officially communicated, but it is possible, if the demand is justified. But the criteria for career advancements aren't clear and often not performance based.
In my opinion, the company has fair salaries and offers great benefits on top.
The HR department sometimes offers social project where employees can support.
Colleagues are direct and honest with each other. Teamwork is important to most.
There are not many elderly colleagues, but I think that the once that are working in the company are being as much valued as other employees.
Unfortunately employees and teams often don't get considered in decision making.
The office has just recently been refurbished and offers a pleasant working atmosphere. Only the technical devices sometimes don't work smoothly, but nothing major. The IT department always tries to support as soon as possible and in general the company invests in good equipment for their employees.
Communication is sometimes lacking or not existing. More transparency and communication training for leaders and managers would be appreciated.
I think there is gender equality in the company and women get the opportunity to get back into their previous role after maternity leave.
Employees are actively involved in the setting of their KPI's which allows them to create achievable, fair and varied tasks, making the daily business appealing.
Many people are confused and choose to disconnect themselves from their work responsibility
unfortunately if you are not the team leader or manager, there are no resources to solve whatever problem
please improve and set some rules for communication
The work atmosphere is great. Every is treated with respect.
I have only met a few older colleagues.
Very good
The arrangements from HR are very thoughtful and the training program is excellent, allowing employees to quickly integrate into the company environment and culture.
Colleagues are friendly and provide a lot of position-related help.
The work equipment is top, and the company is willing to invest in this aspect.
Nothing, I think everything is great so far
So verdient kununu Geld.