75 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
59 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 15 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Highly incompetent and inexperienced People Team
Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Team Spirit!
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The People Team that keeps trying to get rid of employees that criticize them. Not interested in supporting the employees in any way. Bad communication or no communication at all.
They think that nobody notices what happens to the employees and how incompetently they act.
Nobody trusts the team. If you can't trust the people team because they are always working against the employees, what does that say about the working environment and the culture that currently exists there?
I cannot recommend working there. No opportunities to grow, be innovative, let alone no salary raises.
Hires more experienced business partners who can support the leads.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Interessante Aufgaben
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen
People Team
Dear Wunderflattie,
Thank you for your review.
We want to clarify that the People Team’s role is to support employees and the business. Our role includes ensuring fair and compliant processes, and fostering a positive work environment—not working against employees.
Decisions regarding internal moves, performance management, or company policies are made in collaboration with leadership and managers, not unilaterally by HR. Our goal is to ensure these decisions are transparent and aligned with company values.
We recognize that trust in any workplace function is important, and while we may not always meet every individual expectation, we are committed to transparency and fairness in all our processes.
We encourage open and direct discussions to address concerns constructively. If you have specific suggestions, we encourage an open dialogue so we can work on improving together.
Your People Team
A company that fails because of its HR department
Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Colleagues are great
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
You keep the people that try to get rid of people instead of retaining and thinking of a proper strategy. Speaking of strategy, there is no company strategy. How can anyone move forward without a strategy.
I find it horrible that you keep replying with the same generic response to those reviews. That just shows the seniority of the HR people.
Train your hr department. A people partner without experience in this job will automatically drive this company to the worst. A hr director without the right experience, no drive and wrong work attitude will lead the company to a bad culture. HR must be a role model. The hr department is such a crucial department but c-level does not take that serious.
The current atmosphere isn’t good. Lack of transparency, uncertainty in job security, not functioning HR department makes is hard to work and be innovative.
When I started there, the company had a great image. With the HR department becoming so incompetent, everything went down which resulted in company image going down.
Flexible hours are great. HR department makes unacceptable decisions regarding remote work. You supposed to only work from EU because of legal reasons (double taxation, social security insurance) , but they make exceptions for some people even though it would go against the legal reasons.
They don’t offer you anything.
Salary is always at the lowest end of the market standard. No raised, no real benefits. What they promise you, is definitely not what you get.
They doing nothing here.
The only thing thats keeping you there, are your colleagues/team
There are only few leaders that come with good experience in leading. The majority though has very little experience in leading a team and company to success.
Office is nice but there was no reason to get such a big and expensive office when no one even wants to come to the office. Very much unplanned, no analysis happened before from HR and office management. Such a waste of money.
Communication is a big problem in this company. Information are not shared which result in gossiping, again uncertainty and even anxiety. Especially leaders and C-level are lacking this specific skill, but even the HR department has zero skills in communication.
Interessante Aufgaben
No time to be innovative. Everything changes from today to tomorrow. Everything is ad-hoc.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
People Team
Dear Wunderflattie,
It’s Jenni, Director of People at Wunderflats. I wanted to reach out to you personally and say thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
The concerns you raised are important to our team, and I'd love the opportunity to better understand your perspective and explore ways we can improve. I believe it would be helpful to discuss your thoughts 1:1 in more detail. If you're open to it, please feel free to reach out to me directly at jennifer.wiemann@wunderflats.com so we can arrange a time to talk.
Alternatively, we maintain an open-door policy and would be happy to chat in person.
Best regards, Jenni Wiemann Director of People, Wunderflats
Best Company out there!
Praktikant/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Wunderflats gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
You are an individual and you are treated a such. Everyone is welcome and you receive great trust and appreciation for your work. Besides that, you can find friends and everyone is friendly. I never had one fight with a colleague and also never witnessed one.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
As a full time employee in the sales department your salary is a bit below industry standards.
I would recommend to put more manpower behind the expansion in other countries. I would also implement a strategy, that is focused more on long term relationships with the clients, rather than growing the number of them.
Can be loud in the call saloon, but overall great, as there are many places where you can go, if you need quite time. In general its super warm and welcoming.
Due to the tense situation on the german housing market some people think negative of flexible furnished housing. Although I think that it can bring us economic opportunities and a diverse corporate world, many people don't see those benefits.
You are very flexible with your working hours and Homeoffice arrangements. Nobody is forced to stay longer and if somebody does, it's their own decision. As the targets in the sales department are pretty ambitious, you might have to stay longer sometimes to hit them.
If you put in the work and show motivation, Wunderflats offers individual career plans according to your expectations. Sadly, there is no budget for training and getting certificates outside of Wunderflats, although the sales department receives intensive coaching from the team lead. But as a start it's perfect as you gain valuable experience from your calls. The fellow employees also help you at any stage to get better.
I received 1950€ after taxes during my obligatory internship and around 1500€ during my voluntary one. As a working student I get paid 14€/hr with the possibility to earn more at a later stage. Overall this is way above average.
As Wunderflats helped over 20.000 refugees to find a home, I can't give less then 5 stars. I can't think of another company with this size that had such a positive impact
The best cohesion in a company that I experienced so far. Many employees are actually friends with each other and I personally felt like I was meeting up with friends every day when coming to work.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Same here. I never witnessed any discriminating behavior towards anyone.
The leaders are never arrogant or looking down on you. If you earn trust you get great leverage and individual agreements. I was an intern and my team lead took her time for me every week and assessed my performance. There were individual plans for me and a great level of understanding if the performance wasn't as good as before. Especially in Sales companies tend to evaluate solely based on numbers, but here the human behind the numbers is more important.
Great office, flexible hours and home office. Furthermore a great kitchen with many healthy snacks and coffee on barista level. The equipment was modern and they even sent me a screen and my MacBook for Home Office.
sometimes the departments don't communicate enough and some informations get lost on the way, but compared to other companies it's still great. You can find nearly any information in Notion and if not you can ask anybody and they will help you
Everybody was welcome, regardless of color, religion, gender or sexual orientation. I never witnessed any discriminating behavior towards anyone.
Interessante Aufgaben
Speaking as an intern, I got nearly the same tasks and responsibilities as a full time employee. As I was in the sales department, my tasks were naturally repetitive, but I also got more responsibilities and new tasks over time.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share such detailed feedback about your experience at Wunderflats. We're thrilled to hear that you felt valued and appreciated as an individual, and that you found the atmosphere warm and welcoming. It’s wonderful to know that you experienced great team cohesion and built strong relationships with your colleagues – that's exactly the kind of environment we strive to foster.
It's also great to hear your positive thoughts on our leadership, flexibility, and the support you received as an intern. We're proud that you felt empowered and trusted to take on meaningful responsibilities. We're equally committed to promoting inclusivity, and it means a lot that you felt this in our culture.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a part of Wunderflats’ journey. We value insights like yours to help us grow and improve.
Your People Team
Arbeitgeber mit Charm und tollen Events. Die Aufgaben sind aber etwas stupide.
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Man kann sich gut einbringen und schnell neue Aufgaben übernehmen. Das ist auch gewünscht.
- Hund ist im Büro erwünscht.
- Das Büro kann Freitagabend und sogar Samstag für Zusammenkünfte genutzt werden. Es muss nur mitgeteilt werden.
- Die Küche und die Dachterasse sind toll.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Die vielen Vertretungen. - Es fehlt an Transparenz. - Es gibt zu oft Änderungen an den Tarifverträgen. - Es fehlt mir bei dem Arbeitgeber an Vision. Man sollte heutzutage ein Bewusstsein dafür haben, welchen Impact eine Firma auf die Umgebung hat, zumal es um die Stadt geht in der wir leben.
- Es sollte offen über Gehälter gesprochen werden. Es fehlt an Transparenz.
- Wegen der vielen Vertretungen, sollte es Lösungen geben. Auch gerne Kurse zum Zeitmanagement, um seine eigenen Aufgaben unter dem Druck nicht zu vernachlässigen.
ein schönes Büro und nette Kolleg:innen. Darauf legt die Firma wert.
ich und viele weitere Kollegen wurden mit Remote-Arbeiten vom Recruiting angeworben. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es feste Pflichttage gibt. Daher ist man nicht so flexibel wie vorher versprochen.
Leider handelt die Firma nicht nachhaltig für die Stadt, wenn es um den Wohnungsmarkt geht. Im Vordergrund steht die Performance, sodass das Überprüfen von Kund:innen zu wenig Priorität hat. Die Wohnungssuche ist für alle, die die Plattform ohnehin nich benutzen erschwert, was auch an Firmen wie dieser liegt.
Es gibt einen starken Zusammenhalt unter den Kolleg:innen
Man darf mit seinen Kollegen nicht offen über sein Gehalt sprechen. Beim Bewerbungsgespräch wird gesagt dass der Lohn bei allen gleich ist. Was nicht stimmt. Im Hinblick auf den staatlich geförderten Inflationsausgleich erhalten alle Mitarbeiter diese nicht und es darf nicht offen in Gruppen-Meetings bzgl allerlei Angelegenheiten darüber gesprochen werden.
Interessante Aufgaben
Sehr stupide Aufgaben, die nicht zur Rolle passen. Wer hier als Account Manager anfängt, wird anschließend die Aufgaben als Account Manager woanders von Beginn an neu lernen müssen.
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate you highlighting the positives you found working at Wunderflats, such as the quick involvement in tasks, the welcoming office environment (including dogs!), and the strong sense of solidarity among colleagues that work here.
We also hear your concerns about transparency, frequent changes to agreements, and a perceived lack of sustainability efforts. These are important issues, and we are committed to reviewing our policies to improve clarity and communication.
Your suggestions regarding salary transparency and time management courses are noted, and we will work towards offering more support in these areas. Our People Team are working on company wide salary benchmarking to ensure more transparency on this topic in the future.
We are also sorry about your experience regarding remote work. We always like to give our employees as much flexibility as possible, however, we decided on a hybrid system with set days in the office to drive collaboration between teams. We will strive for better alignment on this area in the future, especially when it comes to managing expectations.
Finally, we take your comments about task alignment and environmental impact seriously and will explore how we can better address these areas moving forward.
Thank you again for your input—it helps us grow and improve.
Your People Team
A dynamic and ambitious company aiming to expand internationally.
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Generally, the company displays a great deal of flexibility towards employees.
We are currently trying to scale and expand the business. This requires a great deal of effort from every single person in the company. I do think recognizing those efforts should be done more frequently.
There is a very high tolerance
Recently, a career framework with different career paths was introduced. I'm curious to see how this project will evolve going forward!
There is improvement potential here - the company needs to think more strategically about compensation & benefits considering its ambitious growth targets and the demands it has of employees.
The office is modern, well-equipped and centrally-located. Personally, I enjoy the office days. Still, we could think about making these more flexible by allowing employees to choose themselves the days to come into the office.
Efforts are being made to improve transparency and communication of goals, KPIs and projects across the company. The monthly Town Hall is a great way to get an overview of important topics. Still, I think asynchronous communication (eg. via Slack / internal newsletter, etc.) could help streamline communication even more.
We’re glad you appreciate our flexibility. Recognizing employee contributions is crucial, especially as we grow. We're working on better communication and love your idea of an internal newsletter.
We support work-life balance with set office days for team collaboration but are flexible with individual needs. Please discuss any specific requests with your direct report.
We're also reviewing our compensation and benefits to align with our growth and employee demands. The new career framework is an exciting development, and we’ll keep everyone updated.
Your input is invaluable. Thank you for your commitment.
Best regards, Your People Team
Learning environment with a growth mindset
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Great team and lots to learn. You can definitively grow with the company and have an impact.
Communication could be better!
The working atmosphere is good, employees care for each other and the company. Remote work is possible, while we work 2-3 days in the office. The office is great!
As the company is in a growth stage, depending on the team the pressure is more or less high.
It would be nice to have a budget and guidance for individual development.
Not only within the team but also across teams, we stick together and support each other as much as possible.
We have a relatively young (not much experience) leadership team, and this led to a few learnings, but most of them are very open to constructive feedback.
Communication could be better. There should be more alignment between leadership and transparency is sometimes lacking.
Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed feedback.
We're happy to hear that you appreciate the supportive team dynamic, learning opportunities, and overall working atmosphere in our office. It's great to know that employees feel the positive work culture, that we have worked so hard on.
We also acknowledge the areas for improvement you’ve highlighted. Communication is key, and we will work on increasing alignment between leadership and ensuring greater transparency. As we grow, we understand the need for better coordination and clear communication across all levels.
Regarding leadership, we understand that experience comes with time, and we’re committed to continuous learning within our leadership team through constructive feedback. We appreciate your comments on individual development, and we have recently finalised our career framework across all departments to support our teams to get inspired to develop their roles further with us.
Thank you once again for your feedback—it’s really valuable as we continue to improve and create a positive environment for everyone.
Your Wunderflats People Team
WARNING…Think twice before considering a job offer.
Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats gearbeitet.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The HR department turned from a key strength into a weakness of the company. In my opinion, HR at WF no longer represents the best interests of the employees/talent. The previous members of the HR team were great. The hiring experience was very positive, and my interactions with HR positively influenced my decision to join the company. But, all those people who used to work in HR left the company (you wonder why?). The people who were hired as replacement, according to my personal experience are inexperienced, unreliable, and represent a traditional/old-school, and rigid view of the role of HR.
At this stage, the company culture is broken. The company culture completely lost its humanity/authenticity. The company no longer lives/practices its own mission, purpose, and values - to enable people to live and work from anywhere.
There has been a huge employee turnover in recent years. The best people have either already left, will leave as soon as they can, or have mentally resigned to only do what they have to to keep receiving their salary. Everyone is looking out for themselves. From my point of view "quiet quitting" is very prevalent.
Employees get fired on short notice under the premise of mutual termination agreements (being put under pressure to sign). Internally the true reasons why people left the company are kept quiet and are not transparently communicated.
The company does not have the best image. The business model significantly contributes to driving up rent prices in major cities in Germany.
Flexible working hours. But a new mandatory office attendance policy is in place. Overall, there is a work culture that does not set clear boundaries for a healthy work/life balance. Employees working above 40hrs per week is common place to stay on top of workload demands.
No performance review or career development system exists. Professional development or training opportunities are non-existent. There is no clearly defined budget for learning & development. Employees are expected to invest time outside their regular working hours to keep updated, learn, and upskill.
Employees only do what they have to do not to get fired. There is very low morale and highly inauthentic communication. The staff are disengaged and have given up, and quiet quitting is very prevalent.
I do not foresee a good future for this company. My prediction is that staff turnover will continue to be very high.
Additionally, the company is facing growing pains, international expansion has been slow, and they struggle to achieve profitability.
After a change in the C-Level in 2021, the leadership style in the company changed completely from a facilitative and servant leadership philosophy characterized by a bottom-up, collaborative, inclusive, and trust-based work environment, to a completely top-down hierarchical approach to management, also referred to as “autocratic” or "traditional" leadership. Employees now are facing constant uncertainty, changes in priorities and direction, and a lack of autonomy and decision-making authority.
I would describe today's C-level leadership as toxic with strong narcissistic traits. There is a total lack of empathy and people leadership capabilities from the top.
The owners and top management are disconnected from the rest of the company. They do not care about how employees feel, and completely avoid addressing important issues/questions honestly and transparently.
Mandatory office attendance was forced upon employees in Germany and France without prior consultation. This new policy which was introduced without prior notice, was whitewashed as “collaborative office days”. Employees who were hired under the premise of being able to work flexibly from home or remotely were abruptly forced to work from the office. Attendance is strictly monitored. A lot of good employees left the company as a result of this complete change in company philosophy away from embracing flexible modern work practices for enhanced work-life balance. With the implementation of an office-first mentality and culture, remote employees started getting isolated, and their needs were being deprioritized or ignored.
Very intransparent communication. Only questions that HR and company leadership are comfortable with and want to address receive an answer. A transparent tool to collect questions from all employees anonymously with a voting function to identify the most important questions was tested. Unfortunately, it was decided to no longer use this tool or allow for anonymous questions after only using it for one town hall event. No reasonable explanation was given why this decision was made. Leadership does not want transparency and accountability or address the issues that are most important to the majority of employees.
Salaries were always paid on time. No salary increases are given. No bonus structure exists. Unless the employee takes initiative, there is no discussion or review of salary whatsoever. Insufficient recognition, appreciation, and compensation for one's efforts over time.
2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
People Team
Dear (ex-) Wunderflattie,
Thank you for providing your feedback on your experience at Wunderflats and for the time you have taken to write your review. We appreciate your feedback and recognize the value of open communication and transparency. In light of these concerns, we would like to address them directly.
Firstly, we acknowledge your dissatisfaction regarding changes to our People department over your time here at Wunderflats. We regret any negative experiences you may have had. We recognise the vital role the People team plays in ensuring a positive work environment and we can assure you, we are actively working to improve our People practices to better serve our employees.
Regarding company culture and employee turnover: We are committed to building a culture that values authenticity, collaboration, and employee well-being. Due to the challenging times during Corona we all had to be 100% remote, but we always believed that a collaborative environment sparks creativity and strengthens bonds. That's why we've introduced new office collaboration days, but we're always open to discussing individual needs and circumstances around our hybrid work model. We are working hard to foster a sense of belonging among all our team members (both fully-remote and onsite). We deeply understand the importance of work-life balance and are committed to providing flexibility wherever possible.
In terms of career development and continuing education, we have recently rolled out a new career framework for our employees that we hope will provide them with a clear path for development and motivate them to take the next steps in their career.
Regarding concerns about leadership style and communication, we hear you. We are committed to ensuring a more transparent and inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued. We are attentive to feedback and always aim for a respectful dialogue. While some tools may change due to misuse, we're considering better alternatives.
Finally, regarding compensation and benefits, we understand the importance of recognising and rewarding contributions. While we may not be able to address all concerns immediately, we are committed to exploring ways to improve processes in this area.
We want to assure you that your feedback is taken seriously, and we are committed to addressing these concerns. We have an open door policy and welcome any additional feedback.
Please contact us at people@wunderflats.com
Thank you for your time at Wunderflats and your feedback.
Best Regards,
Your Wunderflats People Team
Maximum an Flexibilität und tolles Arbeitsumfeld
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Mitarbeitern die Freiheiten zurück gegen, die es einst gab. Während Corona lief alles super im Home Office, Rückschritt einfach unverständlich. Vermietet das Büro anderweitig.
Großraumbüro leider überhaupt nicht angenehm. Es ist zwar allgemein schön gestaltet, aber zu laut und man kann nicht ungestört arbeiten. Man hätte beim alten Büro bleiben und das Geld sinnvoller investieren können.
War durch Home Office top, leider hat sich die GF dafür entschieden ein neues, riesiges und vor allem unnötiges Büro zu kaufen und hat dann plötzlich angefangen alle Mitarbeiter ins Büro zu zwingen. Völlig unverständlich, besonders bei dem Wunderflats Slogan „Life and work everywhere“. Heutzutage einfach ein Rückschritt. Zumal es auch den Mitarbeitern einst anders versprochen wurde.
Durch Office Zwang haben viele Mitarbeiter gekündigt. Die GF scheint das nicht zu interessieren. Wünsche der Mitarbeiter werden ignoriert. Sehr schade und enttäuschend.
Seit Jahren leider nicht ausreichend. Es gibt immer viele offene Fragen, die nicht ausreichend beantwortet werden.
Arbeiten auf Provisionsbasis, was in dem Bereich wenig Sinn ergibt. Wohnungen werden durch Mieter angefragt, wir bearbeiten die Anfrage. Mehr ist es im Endeffekt nicht. Es ist also kein Sales/Vertrieb in dem Sinne. Hier würde ein Festgehalt einfach besser passen. GF sieht das aus irgendeinem Grund anders. Wer freiwillig unbezahlte Überstunden schiebt um sein Ziel zu erreichen wird gefeiert und steigt auf. Wer das nicht macht hat Pech und geht unter.
Vielen Dank für dein offenes Feedback und die wertvollen Verbesserungsvorschläge. Wir nehmen deine Anmerkungen sehr ernst und sind bestrebt, unsere Arbeitsumgebung und -kultur kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Es ist bedauerlich zu hören, dass die aktuellen Veränderungen nicht deinen Erwartungen entsprechen. Wir werden deine Punkte intern besprechen, um mögliche Wege zur Verbesserung zu finden. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig, und wir schätzen deine Beiträge zur Gestaltung eines besseren Arbeitsplatzes.
Wir freuen uns deshalb, wenn du uns an people@wunderflats.com konkrete und konstruktive Verbesserungsvorschläge schicken würdest. Unsere Tür steht Dir immer offen!
Viele liebe Grüße Dein People Team
Ein Arbeitgeber, der sein Versprechen hält.
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2023 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Wunderflats GmbH gearbeitet.
Vom ersten Tag an wurde ich mit offenen Armen empfangen und ermutigt, Ideen einzubringen und mich beruflich weiterzuentwickeln.
Das Engagement von Wunderflats für das Wohlergehen seiner Mitarbeiter ist herausragend.
Wunderflats engagiert sich aktiv für die Gemeinschaft und fördert soziale Verantwortung. Diese Werte werden auch intern gelebt, was zu einem Gefühl der Verbundenheit und Stolz unter den Mitarbeitern führt.
Die Teamatmosphäre ist freundlich und kollegial, egal ob mit oder unter Praktikanten oder Founder. Es herrscht ein starkes Gemeinschaftsgefühl.
Die Führungskräfte sind zum großen Teil nicht nur kompetent, sondern auch einfühlsam und unterstützend. Sie hören zu, nehmen sich Zeit für individuelle Anliegen und schaffen eine Umgebung, in der sich jeder wertgeschätzt und gehört fühlt.
Das Arbeitsumfeld ist äußerst angenehm und motivierend. Wir haben Zugang zu modernster Technologie und Ressourcen, die es uns ermöglichen, unsere Arbeit effizient und effektiv zu erledigen. Zudem legt das Unternehmen großen Wert auf Work-Life-Balance und mentale Gesundheit.
Wie in jedem Unternehmen, besteht auch hier der Wunsch nach offener Kommunikation. Aber wie es oftmals so ist, wünschen sich viele transparente und offene Kommunikation, scheuen sich aber leider noch zu oft, offen und transparent zu kommunizieren. Da gibt es Luft nach oben.
Hier gibt es alles und jeder wird mit Respekt behandelt. Dies liegt auch in der DNA des Unternehmens und dem hohen Stellenwert von mentaler Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz.
Basierend auf 164 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Wunderflats durchschnittlich mit 4,3 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche Internet (4,1 Punkte). 64% der Bewertenden würden Wunderflats als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Ausgehend von 164 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Gleichberechtigung, Kollegenzusammenhalt und Umgang mit älteren Kollegen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 164 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Wunderflats als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.