5 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Keiner dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten5 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Keiner dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Cringe and toxic management, faking a nice working atmosphere. No culture of honest gratitude for good effort, little respect is shown for projects finished on time and the work that went into it - management only interested in visible quick outcomes, not quality of the work. Too many projects at the same time, lots of pressure to meet tight deadlines, employees-vs-management atmosphere. At some point me and colleagues just went along with a lot of nonsense out of frustration.
The management tries a great deal to improve their public image on social media and potential partners and possible investors. They break however all ties with former employees and burn bridges, also upsetting partners by finishing projects with too little time spent on the projects.
Significant overtime is expected regularly in order to reach tight deadlines. On multiple occasions with me and colleagues, management tried (and partly succeeded) to let people work overtime without compensation. Deadlines often made long nights at the office necessary and management silently expect you to deliver on their targets. Planning often does not include vacations, sick time or simply unforeseen technical problems and employees have to balance that out with overtime.
Since the company is very small, career development within the company are not likely. The everyday work itself allows one to learn a lot about whatever the job requires though but with deadlines and limited time, often this is only superficial knowledge.
Lower end wages (and even below), no other benefits and also little flexibility with work times and home office regulations. Often promised wages were lowered even more with contract tricks for colleagues and freelancers were sometimes even not paid at all. Money was in my case usually paid on time and as agreed. Vacation days are only the minimum that has to be granted by law, no extras of any kind are offered (well, except coffee and water).
Sustainable, fair-trade or climate issues were not a topic. As money was always short, everything had to be bought as cheaply as possible.
Most employees were working well together, partly because everyone has the same bad experience but also some very nice people (most of them already left the company again before I left though)
Unclear, everybody was pretty young but normal for a startup probably. Older people probably were not employed because they were more expensive and also know better what to ask for.
Management has a very distorted view of reality and seems only able to see everybody as being unfair to them when inappropriate company behaviour is brought up.
Work goals often changed from week to week, sometimes without even telling everyone who was involved. Decisions from above often reached too far into employees area of expertise but later on such bad decisions had to be corrected by us of course.
After a long time of being forced to use personal laptops, company computers were offered that were decent. Office can be very cold in winter and noise levels are often too high. Otherwise the space isn't too bad and in a nice neighbourhood.
Communication often seems calculated rather than honest, sometimes information was held back, seemingly to prevent criticism on decisions that we should have been involved in. Weekly meetings for project planning were generally ok after a long time of regular fighting over inappropriate communication and behaviour from management, especially the way goals were set and communicated. Relevant expertise of employees was often not included in decision making processes and tasks were simply handed out rather than discussing and agreeing together on how things will be done.
No obvious discrimination, but women in the company mostly worked lower pay grade positions and internships.
Projects were partly quite interesting, most of the work was pretty repetitive though. Work packages were often decided not based on long term goals but on short term whims of the management. We had not that much influence on which direction would be prioritised or how bigger challenges were approached.
Das Büro ist gemütlich und schön gelegen. Es gibt auch kostenlosen Kaffee.
Projektplanung, Behandlung der Mitarbeiter, Micromanagement, psychischer Druck, nicht gezahltes Gehalt.
Als Unternehmer sollte man für Mitarbeiter Verantwortung übernehmen und sie respektvoll behandeln. Schon aus Eigeninteresse, denn unzufriedene Mitarbeiter sind der sicherste Weg in den wirtschaftlichen, kreativen und sozialen Bankrott.
Es gibt an Überwachung grenzendes Micromanagement.
Zaubar versucht sich im Internet gut darzustellen (Glassdoor, Kununu, LinkedIn, Instagram). Meine Kollegen, vor allem jene, die die Firma verlassen konnten und keine Einschüchterung mehr zu befürchten haben, reden allerdings schlecht über die Firma.
Es wird erwartet spät abends und am Wochenende zu arbeiten, wenn enge Deadlines bevorstehen (immer).
Ich bin in dem Unternehmen wenigen erfahrenen Mitarbeitern begegnet, von denen ich lernen konnte. Ich habe viele Mitarbeiter kommen und gehen sehen innerhalb weniger Monate. Es gibt keine Aufstiegschancen oder Gehaltserhöhungen, die mit anderen Unternehmen in der IT-Branche vergleichbar sind.
Außer des Gründer- und Managementteams gibt es einen sehr guten Zusammenhalt unter den (ehemaligen) Kollegen.
Es wird Druck aufgebaut, um "perfekte" Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Wenn die Ergebnisse als unzureichend betrachtet werden, werden respektvolle persönliche Umgangsformen plötzlich verletzt. Sogar das Gehalt wird routinemäßig nicht ausgezahlt.
Gehalt ist schlecht und unsicher. Man kann nicht länger als einen Monat im Voraus planen. Urlaub muss ohne Rücksicht genommen werden, da immer Deadlines geplant sind.
In der gemeinsamen Projektplanung haben realistische Einschätzungen keinen Platz.
Praktikanten verdienen nichts. Ich habe mit Masterabschluss in Informatik nur den Mindestlohn verdient. Wachstumsversprechen werden abgegeben aber nicht eingehalten. Ich befinde mich in einem Gerichtsverfahrung um mein nicht gezahltes Gehalt zu erhalten.
Kulturelle Projekte (Kunstausstellungen, Stadtführungen, Touren, Gedenkstätten) mit digitalen Technologien (Unity3D, AR und WebGL) umsetzen! Leider nicht viele User.
Only stress
Work work work
They don't care about anything
The worst of them
Visionäre mit einer guten Idee
Sich mehr bewusst werden dass mit Menschen umgegangen wird.