Kenne deinen Wert und verhandle richtig.
2 Zaubar Mitarbeiter haben auf kununu bereits für Gehaltstransparenz gesorgt. Finde heraus, wie viel du bei Zaubar verdienen kannst.
User Experience Designer:in
Ø 50.200 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Marketing Manager:in
Gehälter bei Zaubar UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Jobtitel | Standort | Gehalt/Jahr |
User Experience Designer:in | Berlin | 50.200 € |
Lower end wages (and even below), no other benefits and also little flexibility with work times and home office regulations. Often promised wages were lowered even more with contract tricks for colleagues and freelancers were sometimes even not paid at all. Money was in my case usually paid on time and as agreed. Vacation days are only the minimum that has to be granted by law, no extras of any kind are offered (well, except coffee and water).