Kenne deinen Wert und verhandle richtig.
11 Kitchen Stories, AJNS New Media Mitarbeiter haben auf kununu bereits für Gehaltstransparenz gesorgt. Finde heraus, wie viel du bei Kitchen Stories, AJNS New Media verdienen kannst.
Ø 39.200 € brutto/Jahr 3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 23.600 € brutto/Jahr 3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 42.700 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Marketing Manager:in
Communications Manager
Gehälter bei Kitchen Stories, AJNS New Media GmbH
Jobtitel | Standort | Gehalt/Jahr |
Redakteur:in | Berlin | 39.200 € |
Werkstudent:in | Berlin | 23.600 € |
Projektmanager:in | Berlin | 42.700 € |
You’ll have to beg for every cent at this place.
Salaries are unsatisfactory and raises for promotions are very small. They tried to convince me that my salary was fine, which was my main catalyst to leave. Being underpaid not only damages your finances, it also damages your career. Being managed by someone who undervalues your contributions + acts like you wouldn't be better paid elsewhere will damage you in other ways.
Even for the lunch parties, which are advertised as a “benefit”, you’re asked to provide your own waffle toppings etc. Also, don’t forget to save some coins, because you have to pay for your own drinks from the staff fridge.