30 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
30 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
30 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Mehr Transparenz bezüglich Gehaltsspannen
Questions about past experience, conflict management, strengths and weaknesses.
Longer to complete task to adapt to learning styles. Some people may need more time to brainstorm on paper before typing the task and hiding the timer can reduce stress.
Nach dem Bewerbungsgespräch lange keine Rückmeldung erhalten, Auswahl der Fragen im Bewerbungsgespräch ziemlich veraltet.
Dafür, dass man sich "nur" für ein unbezahltes Praktikum bewirbt, ziemlich zeitaufwendiger Einstellungstest.
Als welches Tier würden Sie sich beschreiben, nennen Sie Ihre Stärken und Schwächen
Das war mit Abstand der komplexeste Bewerbungsprozess, den ich bisher durchlaufen habe. Der Grund erschließt sich mir voll :) Es wäre vielleicht gut, potentielle Bewerber:innen hinsichtlich Dauer und Komplexität noch etwas besser darauf hinzuweisen und vorzubereiten.
The only element that could be improved would be to organise a short meeting after the positive response to discuss the employee package.
I applied, and a week later, I received an email. They elaborated more about the role, their interest on my profile, their salary offer, and they sent me a task. The task was poorly written. It had many misspelling issues, and it was complicated to read. I sent the task back. And ask some questions about the salary. As you can see in other reviews, their salary offers are very low. So, I wondered if there was the possibility of negotiating with a part-time.
They just ignored me. And I never heard even the feedback from the task. It is surprisingly disappointing since the task was long and complex. At least a “we will move forward with other applications” would have been polite.
Very disappointing process.
Things could have gone a bit faster, as sometimes more than 3 weeks passed between one step and the next (the whole process took over 3 months!). But overall, it was a very professional, friendly and careful hiring process. I felt comfortable and received a response whenever I asked how everything was going.
The recruitment process was reasonable and respectful. The big recommendation I have is that ProVeg should commit to paying Honorariums to those candidates -- who are applying for any role -- who complete a skills task as part of the recruiting process. Even though ProVeg agrees not to use the work produced from a skills test, it is work nonetheless
Despite offering references, it seems that none of my references were ever contacted. Nor was I asked for documentation to prove that the qualifications/experiences I have, were real. I thought that could potentially give fraudulent hires an opportunity to slip through the cracks.
So verdient kununu Geld.