327 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
327 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
327 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I would like to share my experience with Zalando’s recruitment process.
I was invited for an interview for a specific job and asked to schedule a meeting with the responsible recruiter.
On the day of the first interview via MS Teams, I waited for 40 minutes, but unfortunately, no one showed up. No one had contacted me beforehand to inform me that the recruiter was sick. I had to reach out myself to discover this. Later, the recruiter contacted me, apologizing and acknowledging that no one had informed me, and proposed rescheduling the interview.
I responded, agreeing to reschedule and asking for a new link or date. After this, I received no further communication. Despite following up with several emails, I got no response.
On January 2nd, I received an automated rejection email, and I noticed that the job posting had already been removed. It was clear that the position had simply been closed.
This experience felt highly disrespectful to me as an applicant. Job application and recruitment processes are already challenging in today’s competitive market, and such behavior from a reputed company is disheartening.
The process was quite challenging. Overall, I had an interview with the HR manager, a technical assessment, and interviews with a team lead and team members. The entire process took approximately one month, which I found to be fairly quick. The HR manager had told me I would have only three interviews, so I was confused when I received an invitation for a fourth one. The worst part is that I haven’t received any feedback from the HR manager after being rejected. In her email, she mentioned that we could have a short call to discuss all the steps, but after two weeks, I no longer expect that
I recently participated in the recruitment process for the Senior CRM Manager position and would like to share my experience in the hope of helping improve future hiring practices.
Throughout the process, I encountered several challenges:
- Limited context in communication: The initial invitation lacked a greeting and clear explanation, which made it confusing to understand the next steps.
- Scheduling issues: An interview was canceled 30 minutes before the scheduled time, without much notice or clarification at that moment.
- Conflicting updates: Although I was informed the recruitment process was on hold, the position was reposted on LinkedIn shortly afterward, which led to some confusion.
- Reselection: Despite being informed the process was paused, I was later selected (again?) and received an automated message confirming my application, which was unexpected given the previous communication.
- Automated responses: I received messages thanking me for interviews that didn’t happen and asking for feedback on a process that hadn’t been completed.
The overall experience felt somewhat disorganized, leading to confusion at various points. Improving communication and coordination could make the process smoother for future candidates.
Kommunizert im Vorfeld mit den Stakeholdern, wen ihr ein Angebot machen wollt und einigt im Vorfeld euch auf ein Startdatum.
Die Art und Weise eine Kandidat dann unter Druck zu setzen um früher zu starten, ist überhaupt nicht die feine englische Art.
Wer kommuniziert im Vorfeld hier mit wem?
Auch fraglich ist die Länge des Bewerbungsprozesses, ich kann mich hier meinen Vorrednern nur anschließen.
Man geht nicht Professionell mit Kandidaten um, selbst wenn man Sie im Vorfeld unbedingt einstellen wollte.
Ich bin enttäuscht auf ganzer Linie, so etwas hab ich vorher noch nicht erlebt.
Alles Perfekt
The initial interviews were informative, with a great discussion about the role and the team.
When it came to the decision of acceptance or rejection, the process became very disappointing.
Please do not ghost your applicants after they have gone through an intensive application process (4 phases) with you, investing a lot of energy and time into the interviews and the extremely demanding case studies.
Feedback was not provided - even when asked for it several times.
A frustrating and unappreciative process in general.
Ich bin erstaunt das zum Teil branchenfremde Personen mit wenig Berufs und Lebenserfahrung dem Anschein für geringes Geld Anderen sagen dürfen ob sie tauglich sind oder nicht. Das ist hochinteressant!
Bewerber anständig behandeln
die Verantwortlichen für das HR Department schnellstmöglich ersetzen und Prozesse schärfen
9 Interviews inklusive vor Ort Termin sind einfach eine Zumutung. Gute Kandidaten machen das nicht mit und so ist die Suche bei Zalando unfassbar langatmig und zeitaufwändig. Nachdem alle Beteiligten grünes Licht für ein Angebot gaben, hat der letzte Interviewer Veto eingelegt wegen Zweifeln an meiner Fähigkeit Diversität und Inclusion zu managen. Dass mich die beiden Themen schon mehr als 20 Jahre in der Hospitality Industrie begleiten, wurde offenbar nicht verstanden.
So verdient kununu Geld.