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17 charles & charlotte Mitarbeiter haben auf kununu bereits für Gehaltstransparenz gesorgt. Finde heraus, wie viel du bei charles & charlotte verdienen kannst.
Content Manager:in
Ø 45.700 € brutto/Jahr 3 Gehaltsangaben
Account Manager:in
Ø 60.200 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Art Director
Ø 54.200 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 51.700 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 46.500 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 49.700 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Social Media Manager:in
Ø 39.700 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Ø 49.200 € brutto/Jahr 2 Gehaltsangaben
Creative Director
Manager:in Business Development
Performance Marketing Manager
Gehälter bei charles & charlotte
Jobtitel | Standort | Gehalt/Jahr |
Content Manager:in | Berlin | 45.700 € |
Account Manager:in | Berlin | 60.200 € |
Art Director | Berlin | 54.200 € |
Filmproduzent:in | Berlin | 51.700 € |
Officemanager:in | Berlin | 46.500 € |
PR-Assistent:in | Berlin | 49.700 € |
Social Media Manager:in | Berlin | 39.700 € |
Videograf:in | Berlin | 49.200 € |
Salary experiences vary among employees, but for me, the process was straightforward.
Salary negotiations are always possible, and raises are tied to specific goals that must be met within a certain timeframe. A recently introduced process, the “Goldrunde,” involves the founders, circle leads, skill leads, HR, and finance teams discussing salary adjustments.
In my case, I didn’t go through a Goldrunde. I started with an annual gross salary of 45k €. The founder responsible for creative salaries at the time increased it to 52k € after a brief negotiation, and another six months later, it was raised to 58k €. Beyond my daily tasks, I was given the responsibility of building a production team, which justified the salary increase.
Throughout my 2.5 years at the agency, I was never paid late once.