Der am besten bewertete Faktor von LynxStep ist Kommunikation mit 5,0 Punkten (basierend auf einer Bewertung).
Everybody always has an open ear for you.
Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von LynxStep ist Gehalt/Sozialleistungen mit 3,0 Punkten (basierend auf einer Bewertung).
Well, there is this triangle: Earnings, Flexibility, and Learning I think it is almost impossible to find a job that offers all three components. This job is for you if you want to learn a lot in a beginner-friendly environment and have maximum flexibility. If earning a ton of money is your primary goal, I guess there are better options. But then you will probably never work from all different kinds of hotels, Airbnbs, and co. - exploring the world ...