Man kann jederzeit Fragen stellen und bekommt immer die Unterstützung, die man benötigt. In regelmäßigen Teamgesprächen werden aktuelle Entwicklungen besprochen, gemeinsam nach Lösungen gesucht, was die Teamarbeit und den Zusammenhalt weiter stärkt. Durch diese enge Vernetzung innerhalb des Teams weiß man immer, bei welchen Fragen man auf wen zugehen kann. Das gibt einem Sicherheit.
Everyone helps each other. The team is very international from all over the world with very cool spirit. You learn a lot about the different cultures and the countries where people are coming from
Let me paint you a show up to the office where you are greeted by smiling faces and early morning conversations around the automated coffee machines. You grab a bowl of cereal, or some of the fresh fruit in the kitchen and head to your desk to settle in for the day. You water your plants, glimpse at the pictures outlining your space, and login to your Mac Book. It's quiet in the office, peaceful; it is easy to concentrate on the task at hand. The morning passes and it's time for lunch, which more often than not is covered by Check24 a minimum of (3) days a week. In addition, you also have an, "Order whatever you like", delivery lunch provided by AurumCars at least once every couple of weeks. Gathering around the kitchen with your colleagues enjoying each others funny stories from the weekend or work challenges which someone at the table usually has an easy answer to give you. The offices are cleaned daily, it's comfortable. From the chairs to the computer screens, you cannot get much better. It's cool in the summer, it's warm in the winter...and if it's not, the company is quick to fix the issues immediately.