Das Image aus Sicht der Mitarbeiter und des Unternehmens ist sicherlich gut. Fremdwahrnehmung ist jedoch noch nicht so gegeben, wie sie eigentlich sein sollte (Reichweite und Bekanntheit), was aber auch dem Tätigkeitsbereich geschuldet sein wird.
For me personally, the salary was pretty good and you do get regular increases if they believe that you've done a good job. However, the way that salary increases are handled is very opaque. You just get put in a meeting at some point and they tell you that you get more money. You cannot ask for more or initiate anything yourself. The idea behind it is to not advantage people with initiative, but also reward those quietly doing their job. On the other hand, this way heavily favors visibility and I'm not entirely convinced that this is properly remedied. For instance, I'm working in a position, where I believe I have a very good overview over the performance of a few people, yet never was asked about it. Some of them also have seen less of a salary evolution than I have, even though I believe they might deserve it more than me.
Aktuelle Arbeitsgeräte, persönliche Betriebssystemauswahl, ergonomische Büros, Rückzugsmöglichkeiten, großer Gemeinschaftsraum mit Küche, Freizeitraum mit Tischtennis und Tischfussball, ..., und zentral gelegen / einfach erreichbar.